Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Adoration Chapel

Hello, sweet Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love, adore and praise You, my God and my King. Thank You for Holy Mass last evening and for being able to spend time with (name withheld). Please bless and protect him, Lord as he shepherds Your people. Bless and protect all of our shepherds, Lord who bring You to us in the Most Holy Eucharist. Keep them safe from all harm and protect them from the adversary. I pray also for the Holy Father. Jesus, please guide him and protect Your Church from all error. Lord, You said the gates of hell would not prevail against the Church, but this means the gates of hell will try to prevail. Lord, it is easy to see that there is a battle being waged for souls and for the very life of the Church. Protect us, Jesus. Protect us in this difficult time and give all Your Children of Light the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Give us, also courage to defend Your Church, dearest Jesus. Lord, I bring to You all the souls who have asked for my prayers and all those who have left the Church or are outside of the Church. Bring them to the One True Church, Jesus. Please open the hearts of the souls who do not know You; do not love You and do not follow You. Bring many souls home to Your Sacred Heart, Jesus. Heal all wounds, Lord and give us the heroic love we so need. Help us to love heroically so we can show Your love to others and bring more souls into relationship with You our Lord and our God.
Jesus, thank You for (name withheld) visit and the opportunity You made possible to meet (name withheld). May Your Holy Will be done in all things, Christ my Savior. Father God, thank You for this feast day in Your honor as Father of All Mankind. Happy feast day, Lord. I love You and I give myself to You, Father God. I am all Yours and all that I have is Yours. Guide us, Father in the way You want us to go. Direct our steps and may all that we do be in accordance with Your Divine Will. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My child, the Church is entering into the darkest of times. To many of My children, all will appear to be lost. Just when it seems there is no faith remaining (at large) I will rescue My faithful ones. The Church will rise again, but first it must go through the trial of trials in order to cleanse and purify of all corruption and sin. My children, My Church is My Spotless Bride and it cannot be allowed to be corrupted and undermined or all souls will be lost. I will step in beforehand to save souls and to protect My Bride. The gates of hell will not prevail against My Church. Hold fast to the teachings which have been handed down to you from the beginning, through My Apostles. Do not allow others to trick you into believing false doctrines. All that you need has already been given to My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I will not abandon My people. You will begin to walk the road to Calvary, but remember I have already done so and therefore we are in good company. Walk with Me, Children of Light. I will provide all that is needed. My child, My little one, you shudder to think about this, though I have already prepared you. Your heart is heavy My little lamb.”
Yes, Jesus. It is heavy. This makes me very sad, though You have told me this time is coming. It seems to be very close now and as events transpire, I sense the time is fast approaching. Although I still do not know how to explain this since Your time is not like our time; still it seems nearer than when we began. This reminds me of a poem my mother taught me, Jesus. It goes; I heard a bird sing in the dark of December, ‘we are nearer to spring than we were in September.’ I understand that You are (in my words) ‘outside of time’ and that all time is present before You. I’ve heard that You are the ‘eternal now’. Therefore, I have no idea what it really means to be nearer to this Time of Great Trials, only that it is imminent and seems to be fast approaching. It’s as if we, the Church, are on a collision course. Lord, please reveal the evil that is attacking the Church. Help us to see with clarity, Jesus so that souls will not be duped into following evil. There are many good souls, Lord who do not know their faith as they have not been well catechized. Protect them, Jesus from falling into error. Protect us all, Lord. Send us good and holy priests to administer the Sacraments. Oh, Jesus, You are the Good Shepherd and You said You would never abandon Your people. Provide for us, Lord Jesus. Provide for Your Bride and do not withhold Yourself, ever present in the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Altar of the True Church, from those who love and follow You. We depend on You, Jesus. We need You.
“My little lamb, I will provide for My Children of Light. There will be times, though that you will not always have a priest with you, due to the circumstances that will exist. This will cause great suffering for those who are not able to receive the consolation of the Sacraments. This suffering is to be offered for My Church and for souls who do not know Me, do not love Me. Many souls will be saved as a result. During the upcoming difficult days, remember this: all that the enemy of souls intends to harm you, I will use for your good and the good of My Kingdom. The suffering intended to harm will actually be the antidote for the disease within My Church. As a result, My Church will rise again and will be made whole. My Church will bring My light once again to the world. It will be My Spotless Bride, purified, cleansed and free from all evil. Until then, My holy remnant children, do not allow yourselves to lose heart. These are the days of which many prophets have foretold and you, My chosen ones are destined to become great saints of these last days. All those who love and serve Me, and who live according to My Word will receive their reward in Heaven and will be glorified with Me in Heaven. My child, you hesitated to write this statement. Do not fear, for this takes nothing from Me, for I freely share with My children. My glory shines more brightly than the sun and those who are close to Me, bask in the rays of My glory. When one enters near a bright source of light, they themselves enter into the light. In Heaven, all are full of My light, for there can be no darkness remaining in souls in My Kingdom. This light is My glory and therefore the souls in Heaven share in My glory. Do you see, My little one?”
Yes, Lord. Thank You for explaining this to me.
(Private conversation omitted.)
“My child, all that I ask, is that you trust Me and follow Me. It would not be good for you to know more of the details. Trust is what is needed. You feel you are standing alone, My children (names withheld) but you are not alone. My Mother and I are with you. She continues to intercede for you and for Her beloved (name withheld) before the throne of God the Father. He delights in pleasing Her. My Mother is united with the Trinity and She yields perfectly to God’s Will. Our hearts are united. You are correct that things are very bleak. So they are, My child. So they are. (Jesus is sad, but resigned to this.) My child, if you could only see the beauty of what lies ahead, you would realize that all of this is passing. The Renewal awaits you and once you see and experience the Renewal, you will say that all of these trials were worth it and that you would even go through them again if it were necessary. Take heart and be encouraged, for I am the Lord God and I will not abandon you. I will not abandon My Church. You will go underground for a time in order to preserve your lives, the faith and to save souls. This will only be for a time, My Children of Light. The days have been shortened, by the mercy of God, in order for you to bear it. I will send legions upon legions to protect My remnant. The saints in Heaven intercede for you and are very actively engaged in your lives as much as you allow. Remember children to ask for their intercession and assistance so you may take advantage of the wisdom of your elder brothers and sisters in the faith. You are not alone.”
Thank You, my Jesus. I love You!
“And I love you, My child. Be at peace. All will be well. I am with you and I will never leave you. My Holy Spirit is also with you and will give My remnant many gifts and great graces to sustain you and one another. You will see many miracles and great conversions, even though the times will be most difficult indeed. Have heart and know that I am with you. Be love and mercy to all you meet. Do not judge but only love. Only I can judge for I know all and see all. I know each person’s heart, each one’s wounds and each one’s gifts and weaknesses. You cannot know what I know, My children so do not judge. Those who judge and do not forgive issue a sentence upon themselves. My children, especially those who love and follow Me, you know that I command you to love one another as I love you. What is it that I will not forgive? You know the answer to this, My children. There is no sin that I refuse to forgive for I forgive all who come to Me in need of forgiveness. I who am God! If I forgive, who are you to hold a grudge against your neighbors, your brothers and sisters? Do not be like the Pharisees who put themselves above those who were known to be sinners. Who among you are like unto God? Who among you, My Children of Light, have Immaculate Hearts like My Mother? I will answer this; there is no one among you and there has never been one who is only human who is like My Most Immaculate, Holy and Pure Mother and yet even She never judges. She only loves, forgives and invites Her children to return to Me, the Savior of mankind. I ask you, My children to be more like My Mother. Do not be like the Pharisees who beat their breasts and tear their garments at the sight of sinners, when I the Lord God of all was gentle, merciful and forgiving of those steeped in sin. Be like Me, My children. Love. Only love. Give others the benefit of the doubt, for you do not know everything and cannot begin to judge. Trust in Me, My children for I am the just judge. You do not know true justice for each situation, because you do not have all of the facts, the circumstances, the intentions deep within the human heart for you are not God. Forgive, forgive, forgive. Make peace with your brethren. The times coming are perilous and souls are at stake.
Now My little lamb, go in My peace. I am pleased with you and with My son (name withheld). Continue on the path of mercy and peace. Be love. Be mercy. I am with you. Go now and joyfully celebrate the Feast Day of My Father and yours. I love you. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”
Source: ➥