Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Divine Mercy Sunday

Dearest Jesus ever present in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar I praise You, bless You, adore You and love You. Praise Your Holy and Sacred Name, Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for this most beautiful and amazing feast of Divine Mercy, my Jesus. What an incredible day of mercy that You grant for us poor souls. Jesus, so many people don’t even know about Your gift of Divine Mercy and all that You promised to us on account of Your mercy. Lord Jesus please make this great gift known and may devotion to Your mercy spread through the world like fire. Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon the world again and set our hearts ablaze in the fire of Your love through Your great and wonderful mercy Oh, Lord.
Jesus, I pray for the repose of (name withheld) on this most merciful of days. Take him into Your Heavenly Kingdom, Lord God. Jesus, thank You for Confession. It is such a great Sacrament. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and for Communion, the source and summit of our lives. Bless Your holy priests, the Bishops and Our Holy Father and bless his intentions. Lord, I don’t know if (name withheld) is alright, but You know how she is and what she may be going through. Bless her, Jesus. Help all those who desire to grow in holiness and give special graces for holiness. Please bless, guard and direct families, Jesus and keep them safe under Your mantle. Heal families that are broken, Jesus and especially the children who are suffering. Lord, I pray for an end to abortion and euthanasia and all forms of violence against Your precious gift of life. Heal us, Oh Lord. Heal our nation. Bring us back to right relationship with You and Your Father who is also our Father. Please protect President Trump, his family and cabinet members. Help him to make wise, merciful and just decisions in alignment with Your Holy Will. Thank You, Jesus for the many ways he has already protected the pre-born babies. Give him courage and strength to do even more for the most precious innocent ones so they are protected from the violence of abortion. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You! I love You, my Lord, God, Savior and King. I give You my life, my works, my heart, all that I have and all that I am, my adorable Jesus. Thank You for loving me and for Your presence with me, sweet Lord.
“My child, I love You and am pleased you are visiting Me in this chapel where I sit waiting for My children to come to Me. I shower graces upon those who adore Me in My Eucharistic Presence. Spread the devotion of Adoration, My little one. Many have forgotten or are unaware of My peaceful, humble presence among My people. So few know of the many graces available to those who adore Me. This is a great gift to mankind (Adoration and My Eucharistic Presence). People of ages past would have given almost anything for this opportunity to be in the presence of the Almighty God, the Son of man, the Messiah. My chosen people were not permitted to be in the Holy of Holies, but My children of this age can freely approach Me, and yet attendance to Me is sparse indeed. Come, My children and do not delay our meeting together where we can sit in peace gazing upon one another. You are My beloved. Come, be with Me. I want to help you, guide you, assist you with your daily struggles. Why do you hesitate? Why do you not bring Me your trials, your difficulties? Have you no need for direction from your Lord and your God? Have you no time for the Creator of the universe? Come, bring this to Me and I will show you how to find the time to be with the One who loves you most. Come, My children. Make time for the One who created all time and I will show you how to find a few minutes for your Savior. In this great feast of My mercy, I desire that all souls be immersed in My mercy. I await you, My dear children. Do not abandon Me, for I love you, I cherish you, and I will help you in all things. I will teach you how to love, how to be merciful as I am merciful. I will show you My love and I will enfold you in My Sacred Heart. Only, come to Me now while there is still time for you. There is much before you that you cannot foresee, but I see all; I know all and I am the only one who can prepare you for what is to come. I want to do so now while there is time so that you can grow in your love and knowledge of Me. This will be of great benefit to you, not only in the future but right now, today! So, do not delay your coming to Me. If you are physically unable to visit in Adoration, come to Me spiritually and I will give you every grace needed, so much so that it will be as if you and physically present with Me in Adoration. I can do this for I am God. I love you, My children. I love you.”
Oh, Jesus, the Divine Mercy celebration was so very beautiful. My heart feels very full, Lord! Thank You for (name withheld) and his fidelity to You in the ministry of his priestly vocation. He provides many opportunities for souls to grow even closer to You. Praise and thank You, Lord. Jesus, You asked me earlier today if I would go where You lead me. Yes, Jesus. I give You my ‘yes’ again. Only remain with me, Lord. Walk the path with me and never leave me to my own defenses. Lead me in the way I should go, Jesus and remain so close that I could reach out and touch the hem of Your garment, Your mantle of protection, mercy and love. Jesus, I am very grateful to You for the countless blessings and graces You give me. Thank You for allowing (name withheld) and me the opportunity to visit and pray with (name withheld) just two days before he died. Thank You for allowing us the beautiful time with (name withheld) and him as we prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet together. Lord, I had no idea he would be taken from this world so soon, but You knew, Jesus and You made it possible for us to be with him. Comfort and console (name withheld), now Jesus. She loves You. Help her to return to her true home, the Church. Please give her a heart that seeks the fullness of the faith and the fullness of truth and beauty that is only found in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Please, Jesus. I know You want this for all Your children. I pray this for (names withheld) and for all those who are away from and outside of Holy Mother Church. Lord, thank You for leaving us the Sacraments. Send us more holy priest sons and more religious vocations through Your mercy. Jesus, we need priests to bring us the Sacraments. Thank You, Lord. Bless and protect all who bring the Good News to the mission fields. Encourage them as they work for You, Lord.
“My little lamb, I thank you for praying with the other children of Mine in honor of this most merciful feast of mercy. It is My deep desire this devotion be spread through all the world and be in each and every parish so that more souls will have access to the promises given to those who avail themselves of My mercy. Many of My children who know about what I have requested and how I desire this feast of Divine Mercy be observed, do not comply with My wishes. Why is this so, My child when I make every gesture possible to invite souls, and I provide so many opportunities for My Children of Light to be filled with My Spirit, My light, My fervor for souls? Oh, My little child, child of My heart, I know why but I cannot accept the reasons. My children, if you will not take advantage of these graces that have never been given to mankind since the crucifixion and resurrection, who will? It is up to you, Children of Light, to be light to the nations. Instead, many of you seem content to know about the mysteries of God and do nothing to share them with others. Remember, My little chosen souls, that to whom much is given, much is expected. You are not to hide your light under a basket; but you are to set it high on a lamp stand for the world to see. How can you do this, when you refuse to attend to the Feast of Mercy I have given to mankind, and you do not tell your neighbors and friends about this greatest of days. Do not be self-centered and preoccupied so much by the world that you become lukewarm. Read Holy Scripture to remember My words about the lukewarm souls. Need I repeat how I feel about souls who know Me, yet become lukewarm? Complacency is a pathway to hell. Be on guard and do not allow your souls and your consciences to become numb. Your knowledge of the mysteries of God will not save you, My children. It is only in and through your love for Me, your mercy for and love of neighbor and your charitable deeds done through love that will set you on the pathway to God the Father. Knowledge of Me should cause your hearts to burn with the desire to truly know Me as a friend. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge does nothing for your souls, My children. Do not allow the light in your souls to be such small flames that are undetectable in the darkness. Turn up the flame of love in your hearts and in your souls by denying yourselves and by walking with Me. How do you begin to walk with Me you may ask? You begin first with prayer. Speak to Me in the quiet of your hearts. Tell Me what is on your mind. Tell Me about your burdens, your concerns, your loved ones, and anything challenging to you. Tell Me of your spiritual obstacles and I will help you find clarity, peace of mind and heart and a way out of every difficulty. Some people pay a small fortune to seek the counsel of worldly people. You, My Children of Light have direct access to God! Take advantage of this great blessing and come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. I await you, My children. I will fortify you with My body, blood, soul and divinity and you will be renewed in order to carry your crosses and to fight the dragons in your midst. Do not seek worldly advice when you have access to heavenly direction. I love you, My children. I am counting on you to help Me in My Father’s work to save souls. Cooperate with Me in this work. Pray for lost souls, My Children of Light. Receive My mercy and give it in turn to others.”
“My daughter, I love you and I thank you and My son (name withheld) for your friendship and for your love. Continue to pray as I have asked you within your family. Do not forget this powerful protective prayer that I ask of you for your own good and for the benefit of souls. Thank you for your faithful daily prayers, My friends, My children. How I love you. I am using you though you do not always see this or know it. I thank you for your loving witness yesterday in My movement of evangelization. Thank you for responding to the movement and inspiration of My Spirit. I desire this community of believers who evangelize their environments. It is one avenue for spiritual renewal and I bless this work. I am opening many new ways, new paths for you and it is through My Spirit that you have awakened to My leading and have responded. Thank you for your daily ‘yeses’ My (name withheld) and (name withheld). Your word of ‘yes’ delights Me. I love you both dearly. Thank you for loving Me.”
Jesus, of course we love You. Who can possibly know You and resist Your adorable self? It is impossible not to love You, Jesus except out of ignorance of You. Please, Jesus, help more people to know of Your love and Your goodness. If they only knew, Jesus more souls would run to Your loving embrace. Make Yourself known, Lord even more so than You do.
“My child, My child this is your task and that of all of My Children of Light.”
Yes, Lord but in spite of how we try, we are not doing enough. We need Your Holy Spirit, Your power, Lord to renew the face of the earth. Give us Your Mother to show us the way, Jesus. Give us Your Holy Love, Your power and Your mercy. We are simple and small, Jesus, but with Our Lady, with You, with St. Joseph and the Holy Spirit, we can walk forward in our small circles and spread Your love. But You, Jesus, You see everyone all over the world and You know each and every soul who is lost. Jesus, reach out and touch each soul known only to You and give them graces to know and love You, to come to the fountain of life. Breathe the breath of life and ignite Your Holy Spirit, Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus come and renew the face of the earth.
“I will, My little lamb. I will. I will do so through the spouse of the Holy Spirit and My Mother Mary. You, My Children of Light are to be Her little army, but first you must learn to pray and to frequent the Sacraments. You, otherwise, will not be equipped for the battle. Read My Word, children and you will understand. That is all now, My little one. You have had a long day. I am grateful for your love. Remain connected to Me through your prayer times and throughout the entire day. Be aware of My presence with you. I love you. I walk with you. I bless you both in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go now in My peace. Be love, be mercy, be light to those in darkness. Be Mine as I am yours. All will be well, for I AM, is with you.”
Amen! Alleluia, my Lord, my God, my All!
Source: ➥