Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is good to be here with You. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and Holy Communion. Thank You for my family, my fellow parishioners and friends and for the many blessings You give to me which I do not deserve. You are so kind, generous and merciful. Praise You, my Lord and my God. Lord, thank You for Scripture and for the teachings of Holy Mother Church.
Jesus, please comfort, heal and console all who are ill. Thank You, Lord for healing (name withheld)! Praise You, great physician and healer. Thank You for Your merciful love. Please help all who are ill especially (names withheld), all who suffer from cancer and Alzheimer’s. Please heal (name withheld) and restore faith in You to (names withheld) and their families. Please bring about reconciliation with Your Church all who have left including (names withheld) and all fallen away Christians. I pray that (names withheld) and all their families will be converted and all non-baptized will come through the waters of Baptism in the Holy Catholic Church. Cover all those who hope in, believe in, and love You with Your holy mantle of protection. Bless and protect all who have refuges to provide for people during the Time of Great Trials. Help us Lord in this hour of great need. Be with us Lord and keep us close to Your Sacred Heart. I love You, my Jesus. Help me to love You even more.
Lord Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes. Please write My daughter. Today there is little love and very little faith. Peace in the hearts of mankind has been lost, therefore peace in the homes and in the nations is threatened. Mankind, busy about many things that are of no consequence, does not notice even family members and friends, let alone strangers. There is much hustle and bustle as people race from one event to the next from meeting to meeting, concert, to restaurant, work and play, but no time for the Lord God who created the world and mankind. No time to give thanks for all I have given to each and every person. There is no time for God and no time for one another. Even when families are together each person is doing something disconnected from one another. If they do sit together, the children are hushed so as not to interfere with the entertainment of the moment. This is not family life, My children, because you are not living, but only existing. Take the time to talk with one another, to rest, to pray and even to play together with your children. By doing so, you will be showing respect and care for one another. When you do your chores around the house, include your children in the work. Teach them responsibility and respect for the things provided to you by the work of your hands and the blessings of God. Do not allow your children to be detached from you and from your home. Do not allow them to think that you, the parents, are their servants. This is not wise parenting. Teach them to do things for you and show them your joy that they are doing something to please you. They will learn to love through work and sacrifice when they make something or do something needed. Even though young children cannot accomplish the work as you would, it is still worthwhile and good. Be pleased when they show effort. Encourage them. You are showing gratitude and this is how they will grow in virtue and gratitude to you and for God. Be thoughtful and kind to one another. Do not put your entertainment first before your relationships. Live simple lives of work, rest, play, and being together. This is how the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph lived and taught Me to live. St. Joseph taught Me to work when I was very young, by making things for My Beautiful Mother Mary. Fathers, teach your children how to work. Start with small, simple chores. Show them what to do, then praise them when they have completed the task. Teach them to do things for their mother and in this way, they learn respect and love for their mothers. Doing small things for one another, being grateful for what they do for you is something basic that everyone can do. This is a simple step on the path to holiness, My children. Teach your children to do simple acts of kindness for one another and in this way, they are also showing love for God who made each person in His image and likeness. This is true for everyone, even My children who are adults. You may think, ‘This is too simple, Lord. Surely You aren’t speaking to me? I already know to be kind.’ To which I say, ‘You may know this, but are you doing something kind and loving each day for someone else? Are you taking time to speak to those you pass each day as you hurry on your way? Are you being love to your family members and making your homes a place of simplicity, peacefulness and love?’ You may know this, but I want you to renew your commitment and faithfulness for this is one way of living the Gospel. My children, I realize that many of My faithful ones do not have the home life, the family, the faith being lived by others, that you desire to have. You are Mine though and I am yours and therefore you are called to live with this love, the love I give you. You are called to love the other who does not know love, who does not even act as though they desire love. You must love them. You may be the only person on earth who will teach them about My love by giving them love. They may have hurt you time and again, (I am not referring to physical wounds but emotional disappointments or wounds) but you must forgive and love as I have loved. Remember, I died for you so that you would have salvation and so that you would know how much I love you. When others do not show love, show them love and mercy. Be kind, even when they do not return kindness. Pray for them, My children. Pray and forgive. Be at peace for you have a beautiful Father in Heaven who loves you. He is with you as I am with you. Be at peace. All the love you give to those who do not love you in return, will be showered upon you in Heaven. You will receive this and so much more. Do not worry, for I see everything, My children. I know each kind turn you have done for another, each and every smile, every nice and thoughtful act of service done in private and every prayer. I know every kind word, every time you listened attentively and with love. I know how you were received and if you felt unappreciated, know that I appreciate you. I care for you. I am interested in all that you have to say and I love you. Nothing you do out of love is ever wasted. No sacrifice, no prayer, no act of love, no good thought, nothing, nothing is wasted. Do all for the love of My children for in this way you do it for Me. I am love, My children. I am truth. I am mercy. One day, your family members will understand and if they do not learn to love by the way you love them on earth, they will know later when they are either in purgatory or living in the joy of Heaven where all are completely understood, known and loved.”
“Be at peace, even in trying circumstances for I am with you. Your time on earth is fleeting compared to your time in Heaven, so continue to love and serve. If you have not been one who loves, then go to Confession now and begin anew. Each soul on earth can begin anew and it is especially easy for souls who have access to the Sacraments.”
You make everything sound simple, Jesus, and it is simple, but not easy. Lord, it is very challenging for some, especially those in difficult situations in their families. But, I know You are completely aware of each person’s individual situation and You are with them, Lord.
“Yes, My little lamb. Some have very difficult family lives or just one or two very challenging and hard to love family members. This message is especially for them. The more challenging the situation, the more meritorious and heroic the love. It is never easy to love those who do not love in return and yet it must be the way for all Christians. How will the world know love if My love is not given away for free? Love freely given, with joy for the sake of love is the way to penetrate hard heartedness, My children. Even pagans respond to unconditional love and kindness. This is living the Gospel. My children I am not speaking about remaining in the home of one who threatens your life or is harming your children. In these cases, it is not loving to remain in physically harmful environments. You must protect yourselves and your children from this type of evil. Still, you are to forgive and pray for those who have injured you while remaining in a safe place. I am referring to loving and showing love to family members who do not know Me or do not love Me. I am referring to family members who are occupied with the things of this world versus those of Heaven and salvation. You must be loving, patient and kind to all family members. The little souls in your care need to see love in their parents. They learn from watching you. What are you teaching them that they will take to their own families some day? Are you teaching them to leave you alone? Are you teaching them to constantly entertain themselves with video games and all forms of electronic media? I can assure you, when they are grown, they will have been taught well to leave you alone and to entertain themselves. They will have learned to be very self-centered and to neglect their parents and in turn their own children. My Children of Light, wake up and realize this is not the plan God has for families. Families are the domestic church. If you are not living this way, it is time now to change. Live simple, quiet, beautiful lives. Teach your children skills for living. If you do not know how to do this because you were not given these valuable skills, then you can learn. It is not too late. Grow something in a pot if needed. Teach your children to plant seeds and water and tend to them together. Do simple tasks with them. They will enjoy spending time with you and they will become your loving children. They will not neglect you when you are old, because they will love you as you have loved them. If you do not have children, there are many other ways you can help another child, perhaps in your parish or in your neighborhood. Ask one to do simple chores for you, perhaps to work in your yard or to carry something for you. Give them praise for this. Call their parents and thank them for having and raising such good children. In this way, you will encourage both the children and their parents. If you cannot do this, pray for them, smile when you see one another and be kind. You never know how much your smile means to someone, but I know children. I know the value of such seemingly small acts of kindness, and though you forget the number of people you have given your smile to, I know each one. Make the world in which you live, warmer, kinder, more loving and hearts will begin to open to Me, Jesus. Hearts will be drawn to you because of your love. This message is simple today, My children because it is needed. These are urgent times caused by the lack of love and the absence of peace in the hearts of My own Children of Light. Mine are blending into the culture, and instead of changing it, are becoming part of it. Mine are called to holiness, to be set apart because of your unconditional love and mercy. In this way, the holy stand out. Others notice your humility, your service, your love. I do not want you to hide from the world, but to show your light. To hide from others is to cover your light with a basket. This is not living the Gospel. Be love, be mercy, be light, be joy. Love each soul you meet and each one with whom you live. It is possible, My children because I will make it so. I will give you the grace you need. It is yours for the asking. I am generous, My children and there is enough for everyone. Ask Me and I will assist you to love. Give Me your hearts, My children. I will water your souls with graces each time you pray and each time you avail yourselves of the Sacraments. When you give love to your enemies, or to those who are difficult to love, My love will replenish yours. Come to Me in stillness in the silence of prayer and you will meet Me, your Jesus who loves.”
“Be at peace. I, your Jesus, am with you. I love you and you are Mine.”
Thank You, Lord. I love You and am grateful for Your beautiful words of love and wisdom.
“And I love you, My child. Thank you for writing My words. I know your fingers are sore today and it is difficult to write. I thank you for your sacrifice and for the love you have for your brothers and sisters. My child, I am with you. Do not become disheartened by all that you must do. This is a difficult time. Allow Me to carry you. Allow (name withheld) My son to carry you. All will be well, My child.”
Oh, Lord, thank you. (Name withheld) already does so much around the house. He takes care of so many things. I feel sometimes that I am not doing my part, but you know this, Lord. I sound ungrateful. Please forgive me. I know that by working, I am doing Your Will. I am finding it difficult to pray as much as I used to when I wasn’t working. I miss this time with You and praying with (name withheld). Please help me, Jesus to find time to pray. Help me, Lord. I miss the routine of prayer we had.
“My child, I will help you. Remember to pray during the day and that I walk with you. Your work is one way that you pray. Your classes, offered to Me, become prayer. Recall that I have given you a new mission field. You are taking Me to others, My daughter. I will help you to adjust to this new schedule. Bring your concerns to Me and do not worry. I, your Jesus, will carry you.”
Thank You, Lord. I am counting on it! I love you.
“And I love you. Now you may sit quietly with Me, My little one. Let us enjoy one another’s company.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You, Lord.
“I bless you, My child with the sign of My cross.”
Amen, Lord.
“Go in My peace.”
Source: ➥