Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus always present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is very good to be here with You. Thank You for this great opportunity to sit with You and visit face to face, Jesus. Praise You, my Lord, my God and my King. There is much peace when I am in Your presence, Jesus. The silence and Your presence console me. I bring every burden and concern to You and lay them at the foot of Your holy cross. Take them, Lord. I trust You with each one. I trust You with each friend and family member.
Lord, please help (name withheld). She is so ill (condition withheld). Jesus, heal her. Help her, Jesus to be well and whole. Lord, if You do not heal her I’m afraid she will die and at such a young age. Her children and her husband need her. The world needs her. You know all of this, Lord. You know everything. Please heal her if it is Your Holy Will. Jesus, be with all who are ill. Give them graces for healing and draw them ever closer to Your Sacred Heart. Lord, please heal (names withheld) and all who are in need of healing. I pray for those who are away from the Church, especially for (names withheld) and all fallen away Catholics. Please bring those who are outside of the Church into the Church, for (names withheld). Strengthen us all, Jesus during these most difficult times. Help us to continue to grow closer to You, Lord. Please guard and protect all priests, Bishops, religious and the Holy Father from every evil. Surround them with holy and wise friends and advisors. Root out all that is evil and all who undermine the Church and her people. Purify Your Church, Lord and bring about the New Springtime. May Your Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven and may we love as if we were living there now, Lord. Give us willing hearts, clear minds and able bodies to serve You as You desire, Jesus. Lord, I pray for the men on the Cursillo retreat. Bless them with many graces, and also their families who sacrificed for them to be on retreat all weekend. Help them to go forth from the retreat living out the Gospel message and being a light in their environments. Set the world on fire with Your Holy Spirit and renew the face of the Earth. Lord, You know my special intention for (name withheld). Please help her to live out Your Will for her life. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Help me to trust You even more, Lord.
“My little lamb, you are becoming more aware of the current darkness and the clouds that cover My Church due to the sins that have consumed the souls of some of My sons. I know how you feel, My child. Many of My Children of Light suffer during the agony in the garden of this day. My Children of Light, I remind you that you are the Church Militant. You are in the midst of a great battle for souls and you must be My Soldiers of Light. You are in My Holy Mother Mary’s army. I remind you during this month of the Most Holy Rosary to pray as never before for My Church, for souls and for the coming of the Holy Spirit. I ask for a great tsunami of prayer now, at this time. May your prayers storm Heaven so that graces may rain down upon you and that you will once again be the salt of the earth. My children, the Will of God is that you will become holy and pure now, in this current age and now while you are alive. It is God’s plan for His children that you live holy lives so that you will be an example of prayer, holiness, love and peace to all you encounter. Since there are many souls in peril and there is much darkness on account of sin, you are being called to the front lines to be defenders of the faith, teachers, servants and friends to those in darkness and in the shadows of death itself. Through prayer, sacrifices, fasting and frequenting the Sacraments, I will anoint you with special graces for these days. You are marked by My Seal. You are called to be My disciples. It is for this reason, due to My love, that you have been baptized into My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, the one true Church, so that by your life your witness, your service, you will rescue souls. I am counting on you, My Children of Light, to bear My Light, My love, My peace to a world in darkness. I will help you, My children, but you must be willing to accept My call, My invitation. Give me your ‘yes’ dearest children. I have no others to count on, no others waiting in the wings, so to speak. It is to you, I look with anticipation. Will you accept? Examine your hearts, My little ones. What is holding you back? Does something separate you from Me? What is in your life, or in your heart creating an obstacle to My Will. Let us examine this, and remove it at once, so that you are free to join My Mother’s army to usher in the Era of Peace, the New Springtime. Do not be afraid for I am gentle and merciful. I will give you every grace for this mission. So much so, that it will not seem to be as difficult as you may think it will be. Come, My children. Be confident in My love for you. Trust in Me and you will not be disappointed. Decide for God’s Will, My Children of Light. There is no time now, no room for those who are lukewarm to remain so. You are either for Me or against Me.”
Jesus, I love You and I want to do Your Will. Help me, Lord each and every moment to live within Your Will. Enfold me in Your Sacred Heart, Jesus so that I will never stray from You. Lord, I am weak and I often fail to please You, but You know my heart. You know that I desire to please You. I want to be well disposed to accept every grace You have to offer. Give me whatever I need to always remain faithful to You, my dearest friend. Forgive me for my sins, Jesus and please don’t allow me to fall again. That is not possible for me, Jesus but with Your grace and by Your power all things are possible.
Lord, I am so happy that (name withheld) has recovered enough to return to Adoration. Praise You, Jesus! Thank You, my Lord. You are so good to restore our friend to health. How wonderful that both (names withheld) are here! Thank You!
“My little one, I hear each prayer, each praise and every grateful prayer of thanksgiving. You are welcome. Your gratitude pleases Me. Your joyfulness for love of God and your fellow man consoles Me. Your heart is good, My child, so much like your Grandmother’s, and your Mother’s hearts. They pray for you. They love you. They offer little waves of encouragement and ask Me for graces for you and for each sibling and each grandchild and great grandchild. Do not think for one moment that your family in Heaven forgets you for it is to the contrary. Their hearts and minds are much more closely united with those remaining on Earth. Rejoice when you have so many holy family members who have come to join Me in My heavenly kingdom. Be grateful and be filled with joy. You come from a long line of faithful followers of your Jesus.”
Oh, thank You, my Lord for this great gift. I am filled with joy and gratitude. I have no words to express my appreciation for Your gift of salvation. Jesus, thank You for shedding Your holy, precious blood on the cross. Thank You for the salvific act that saves us and enables us to live with You forever and also with our family and friends. What great love You have. Jesus, give me some of this great love. Increase the love in my heart for others, Jesus especially for those who may be more difficult to love. Help me to see You in them, Lord. Help me to see what You see in others. Give me eyes of faith, Lord. Give me graces to love heroically, Lord so that I can be a conduit for Your love. Only You can make it so. Jesus, have You anymore to say to me?
“Yes, My child. Be aware of My presence with you. My Spirit desires unity with you. Continue growing closer to Me, My little lamb even while you are at work, or studying or serving others. Know that I am with you. Really know this by opening your heart more and more to My presence! You do not need to know how to do this, little one, only be accepting and open. Respond to the promptings I send to you just as you did today when you sensed (name withheld) was in need. You turned to see what she needed and then acted right away. You did the same when you welcomed (name withheld). Your joy at seeing him gave him encouragement and made him aware that he still has value and dignity. I love My friends who have lived long lives and have remained faithful for decades, despite hardships, sorrow, loss and pain. They withstand all of life’s tests and crosses and bring Me great joy. You are correct to honor them and treat them with love and joy. Your patience is a sure sign of My presence within and this is good, My daughter. Be confident in My love. You are My daughter. Do you realize the greatness of your position? You are a daughter of God, you are a daughter of the King of Heaven and Earth. Reflect on this, My child. I desire all of My children to realize what it means to be a daughter and son of God, the Most High King. All of you are princes and princesses and you must behave in such a way that shows the world that you are holy and that in spite of this great dignity, because of this great dignity that you are also humble, for I chose you; I created you all from nothing. This is My desire for you, to be like Me. Be love, be joy, be holy and pure, be faithful to God and be merciful. I desire all of My children to join Me in Heaven one day and so you must pray more and ask for the graces needed each day to work with Me and save souls. Ask each day for needed graces, My children for each day requires specific graces for the tasks at hand. Each day is unique and so requires specific, unique graces to equip you for the people you will encounter and the work I will ask you to do. Remember, you are not alone in this work. I will send others to assist you and if there are no others, I will send the angels to tend to each and every need. Remember to ask the saints in Heaven to pray for you. You have everything necessary to succeed. My Church has the Sacraments, My Word, My Apostles to guide and teach you. You, My children be the balm on the wounds of My body, the Church. Be full of hope. My Mother guides you. You are in the best of hands, the hands of the Immaculate One, My Mother and your Mother, the Queen of the Church. All will be well. I am with you.”
Go now in My peace, My beloved. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. I go with you, My child. Be of good cheer.”
Thank YOU, Jesus. I love You!
“And I love you!”
Source: ➥