Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is good to be here with You, my Lord and my God! Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord, please heal (name withheld). Help her, Jesus, she is so ill. I pray also for (names withheld) and for all who suffer including all who are on the church sick list and Cursillo prayer list. Lord, I pray also for those who have left the Church or are outside the Church (names withheld) as well as for those who do not know of Your love or have rejected Your love. For (names withheld). I also ask for Your healing for (name withheld). Thank You for Your grace and blessings for those You have healed in my family. Praise You, Lord!
Lord, please open the hearts of those You are calling to the priesthood and religious life. Help them to hear and to say ‘yes’ to You. Bless all who will be at the Bishops’ Conference. Guide, guard and direct conversations, Lord so that all will be done in Your holy name.
“My child it is good that you and My son (name withheld) are here with Me today. These are pivotal times, My children. You do not understand this fully, but one day you will see in the Spirit. My little one, you understand, but not fully. Those who surround the shepherds of the Church are like the vipers in My days on earth. The Scribes and Pharisees who did not have love in their hearts, but only pride, jealousy and greed were the forerunners of those who surround the Magisterium today. They bite, sneer and plot in order to lead many souls astray. My child, I returned their contempt with love and concern for the state of their souls. I held out peace to them longing in My heart for their contrition, repentance and return to Me. There was genuine contempt for Me out of what they thought was blasphemy. I knew this and I had mercy. But through their rejection and anger, the seed of hatred grew until they were consumed with their evil plans to kill Me. My child, there was a possibility early on, for their souls, but instead of being open to the grace by seeing God’s Will, by asking for God’s guidance, they began to focus on evil, on their fears for what they would lose if the people of God followed Me. They were arrogant when they could have been humble. It was not My Will that they cooperate with evil. Yes, the Son of Man came to redeem and to save and that involved the cross, but these men did not have to cooperate with evil. Pagans would have done so, and I would have redeemed mankind regardless, but to have the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob betray Me was more painful. My child, you must realize that all throughout the history of the Church, beginning with one of My own, Judas, there have been people who want to destroy My Church. You must pray for these lost sheep and beg for their forgiveness. They were created in My image and likeness and they are children of God, also. Pray for them. They need your prayers. Ask the Holy Spirit to limit the influence and power they have over those less grounded in the faith. They confuse even the wise, but they are no match for the Holy Spirit, I assure you. There will be a cleansing of the Church first as there was of the temple in Jerusalem. If they refuse the graces being sent for their conversion, the Father will deal with them accordingly.
As for you, My Children of Light, be sure your hearts and souls are clean. Be pure yourselves. Forgive and pray for your enemies and for those who persecute and wound you. Then, you will be like your Savior. You will see what is in store for you in My Heavenly Kingdom because of your purity. So, focus on the work that needs to be done in your own souls. Do not judge. Do not look at those who are less fortunate and judge them. These poor in your midst, deserve love and peace. They deserve your mercy for they are My children, just as you are My children. Make peace and do not judge, but do what you can to assist them. In this way, you are loving Me, My children. Be love; be mercy; be peace; be joy. You cannot bring about conversion in wounded souls by being scornful, angry and judgmental. This only serves to wound them even more. You are called to be their fathers, brothers, sisters and mothers. You are called to love always and to show them the way to holiness. How can you show them My love when you put conditions on people? Love them exactly where they are; for then you will be like Me, your Savior. Be aware, My children that if you judge one of your brothers and sisters, it will not go well for you. I will not be able to use you to bring about My Kingdom when you act like the Pharisees and Scribes. Go now to seek the Sacraments and repent of your sins. The sin of pride blinds even those who are trying to follow Me. Pride is very deceptive. It lurks in the sin of self-righteousness, and in the sin of bigotry. Egoism is a symptom of prideful souls. You are not perfect either, My children and in some cases you are worse than those you judge. Do not judge the poor, either My children, even when you can see that their poor decisions brought about their circumstances. Who among you has made perfect decisions? Which of you has never made a mistake? You had the good fortune of having good upbringings or good friends to help steer you in the right direction. You do not know the woundedness of souls. Only I know what lies in the human heart. To think you know better is to put yourselves at the level of God. Do not commit this sin of pride, My children. Truly I tell you, you are to love those who are in need and care for them as you would care for Me. Change your foolish ways before it is too late. I placed your family members, your friends, your neighbors, and those you pass each day, in your lives for a reason. They are the opportunities for you to grow in holiness. Pray and reflect on this. Ask Me to show you where you need to change. I want only the best for you and the best is holiness. Do not fear that someone will take advantage of you. Everything you have comes from Me, My Children of Light. I can provide for your needs, but I am asking you to give to others in need and trust in Me to provide for you.”
“The world has become very evil and still there are many souls who love Me and who are good. You must spread this goodness, My children. You must love, even when it does not make sense for this is what I do. I love you even though you were sinners and then you decided for Me. Give this same chance to others. Do not crush their souls because of your bitterness, your harshness. This is not being fatherly as you believe (falsely), it is condemning. Love as I have loved. Love as I love. Sacrifice as I sacrificed. Be merciful as I am merciful. This will be the cause of much healing, much love and much peace and you will see great conversions. Be patient with those I have given you to love. Each harsh word; each action made out of pridefulness will be noted, My children. I see all. I am everywhere. You cannot hide your actions from Me. Do everything in love and for love. My Spirit is with you and I will guide you. You must be gentle, humble and meek. My Spirit will work through you when you love.”
“That is all, My little lamb. You are weary. Lean on Me and together we will walk towards the Kingdom. Lean on Me, My child. I will provide.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. I love You.
“And I love you. I am with you. All will be well.”
Amen! Alleluia!
“I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be love to all, My child. Give others My love.”
Yes, Jesus. If You help me I can. I love You and I will love others, with Your help and Your grace. Fill me, Lord for I am depleted. Give me Your heart, Lord and the heart of Your Mother so that I can love as You love. Thank You, Jesus, for Your words and for Your love. Amen!
Source: ➥