Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello, dearest Jesus always present here in Adoration. I love You, Lord! Thank You for Your presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Thank You for the priests who bring You to us in Holy Communion. Lord, how sad for us that three priests died recently. Lord, Jesus send us more vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Thank You for Your many blessings and for the wonderful people You brought into my life.
I pray for the repose of the soul of (name withheld). Comfort his family, Jesus. Please take him to Heaven, Jesus. Bless all who have died this week and take their souls to Heaven. Lord, I lift up to You people who are ill, especially (names withheld) and all who are on the parish prayer list. I ask for Your special blessing on all elderly in our parish and all children who are ill or in a weak condition. Lord, please bring those outside of the faith into Your church; especially (names withheld) and all relatives who do not ‘know the faith.’ Bring them even closer to Your Sacred Heart. Lord, please help our Church (Your Church) to become pure, holy and spotless. Help us all to be holier and ever close to You, Jesus.
Lord, is there anything You wish to say to me?
“My child, pray for souls who are far from Me. Do not forget them in your prayers. Pray for conversion of all who have cold hearts. I long for My children to know Me and to love Me. I want each one to be with Me one day in Heaven. I died for this. Be concerned for your brothers and sisters in the world that has grown cold. Many do not even believe in My existence.”
“Children, you who do not believe in God, I created the world and all life. Search deep within your heart and reflect on the many times I cared for you. Think of the people who cared for you, who did something kind, showed you respect, gave you joy. I sent those people to you. For those children of Mine who did not have loving parents, think of your teachers, friends, neighbors and even your pets. Every person who loved you and showed you kindness were instruments I used to express My love to you. I even gave you, in some cases, a pet to give you the joy of My creatures. Reflect on the times in your life that were good, honorable, and know that I was there with you. If you remember difficult times, sad, lonely or hurtful times, I assure you I was with you then, also. I have never left your side, even when you have rejected Me. I patiently await your return to Me. I will do so until the day you draw your last breath, but don’t you wait this long. I urge you, for you risk dying with grave sins on your soul and with no remorse for these sins. If this occurs, you will lose your inheritance, the inheritance I died to give you. (Salvation and eternal life in Heaven.) You will spend your everlasting life in the fires of hell and there will be nothing but hate and misery for you. Do not die like this, My children. Do not live like this, either when you may have friendship with Me now. There is so much joy in friendship with God. There is much peace, much mercy and fullness of joy. Let us be friends now, you and I. Speak with Me. Give Me your concerns, your burdens. Share the good times and bad times with Me, for I am your friend, Jesus Christ. I will shelter you in My Sacred Heart, give you consolation and peace. Do not be afraid to love Me. Be more afraid of not loving Me. I want to be close friends with all of My children. You have dignity and worth because you were made in My image and likeness. When you return to Me, there will be great rejoicing in Heaven.”
“My Children of Light, pray for souls who do not know My love. They are your brothers and sisters. If you love Me, you love all people that I love. I love everyone and I am disheartened when souls choose the false path of the world. You who love Me care about Me and all that I care for and so you must also love souls who are lost. It does not sound too offensive to think of loving lost souls, but this means all lost souls. They may be people who have drug addictions, gambling addictions, who are criminals and have hurt or murdered their brothers and sisters. They may be abusive, or living a life of prostitution. They may be slaves to others who are cruel and torture them or keep them in bondage. They may live a life completely contrary to the Gospel. These, My Children of Light are the souls who are lost and I am calling you to love them, as I love them. Other lost souls may be those who have been abused as children and have not had the loving influence of good parents. They may be very seemingly ‘good’ people, functioning well in society who are nice people, but have not been exposed to God. These are also lost souls. Pray for them. Pray for all people to come to know the love of God. Pray the holy rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Offer masses for them. Love them. Have mercy on them, My children, for without My grace, you would also be lost.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“My child, please pray the Divine Mercy each day for lost souls and for souls who are dying. This is a very powerful prayer and by calling upon My passion and death, souls will be saved through My mercy.”
Yes, Jesus. I will pray now, Lord.
Jesus, thank You for Your infinite mercy and compassion. Help me to be more merciful and compassionate. Help me to show love by my actions. Forgive me for any acts of omission where I should have/could have shown love, but did not. Give me graces for heroic love, Lord. Help me to live and die for You, Jesus. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, please protect (name withheld). Heal him too, Jesus.
“I will be with you throughout the week, My little lamb. I will be very near to you, also during your pilgrimage. It pleases Me that you are returning to be nearer to My Mother. Your company will be less difficult, My child and all will receive many blessings for their sacrifices. You will not be remorseful for having taken the risk to travel on this spiritual trip. There will be hardships, yes but abundant graces as a result. I cannot be outdone in generosity, My daughter. All will be well. Offer your sacrifices and difficulties for souls who do not know Me and do not love Me. I know the longings within your heart for your children and grandchildren. Just as you love all who are dear to Me, so I love all who are dear to you. Be at peace, My child. We are united in love.”
“You may go now in My peace. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be mercy, be love, be joy, My child. All will be well.”
Amen, Lord Jesus, my God and my King!
Source: ➥