Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Adoration Chapel

Dearest Jesus, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, it is very good to be here with You, oh Lord. Thank You for the most Holy Mass and most Holy Eucharist this morning. Happy Feast of Christ the King, Lord Jesus Christ! Thank You for the opportunity to receive a plenary indulgence, Lord. You are kind and merciful, Lord! We are most grateful and do not take anything for granted, Lord. What a treasure we have in our Catholic faith. A thousand thank you’s! Please allow Holy Mass to be celebrated publicly (always) Jesus. I can’t bear the thought of being separated from my Eucharistic Lord again. Lord, I lift up those who are ill and all who will die today, especially those who are unprepared for death. I bring to You all who are suffering physically, mentally and spiritually. Heal all wounds and restore Your people to Yourself, Lord. Jesus, I give myself to You and all that I possess (by Your goodness) and surrender everything to Your Most Holy Will. Use me as You will, Jesus. (personal conversation omitted)
Thank You for our day with (names withheld) and for the beautiful time they had with (name withheld). Help them to know what they should do next about moving. People are still trying to prepare for what is to come, Jesus. Help us to have all that is needed. I recognize that You will provide for our needs, too Lord but You want us to cooperate. Direct and guide us all, Jesus.
Lord, please protect our President and his family as well as the Vice President and members of the cabinet (and their families). Send legions of angels to protect them and to protect our country. Help people who have been blinded by so much propaganda to see. Give them Your light, Lord. They do not fully understand the consequences of their choices at the voting booth, Lord but I am concerned they will not see clearly until it is too late. Forgive me, Lord for not doing more to witness to them. Lord, please help them as they do not fully know what they are doing, in many cases and how evil and corrupt our nation and the world has become. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear and clarity of thought, Jesus.
“My child, My child, it is good that you and My son are here with Me. I bestow graces on those who adore Me in the Blessed Sacrament; even when you cannot physically see Me, My daughter and I am hidden in the tabernacle. Thank You for consecrating yourselves to Me on this feast day. I thank all of My children who consecrated themselves to My Sacred Heart. My little lamb, you are learning to become smaller and to accept the graces I give you. They are not always the ones you prefer but they are what you need and what I want for you.”
Thank You, Jesus
“My daughter, this is an important message for today and the coming months. I want My children to renew their commitment to their Faith, their commitment to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. This Church is more than the building, it is My people. The Church lives in your hearts, My children. It is very important now, right now, to avail yourselves of the opportunities to receive the Sacraments. I have stressed this before, but today I want to stress even more so the need for My people to receive Me in the Eucharist, to go to Confession and to pray, pray, pray. I say this word ‘pray’ three times for emphasis, but I want your emphasis to be on the Sacraments and on prayer. Read Holy Scripture and reflect on it. Speak to Me often throughout the day. Develop a prayer ‘routine’ or discipline and stay with this for it will provide you with structure. This will be a consolation to you in the days to come which will be more chaotic than you have experienced. I am with you. I will remain with you. You need to frequent the Sacraments while there is still time for soon the churches will be closed again. Access the graces I make available to you, My children. I am a good and benevolent God and I will the best for you. You must will the best for yourselves and your families and the best thing is My Eucharistic Communion with you. Be prepared for all that will surely come due to the evil in the world. I am more powerful than this evil and you will see the power of the Son of Man but first evil will have its day as I wait for more of My children to repent. I will the salvation of all but I have given mankind free will to freely choose Me. Sadly, tragically many, many choose My adversary and yours. They choose darkness over light, sin over holiness, depravity over purity. The time has passed for standing in the middle between good and evil. One must choose and the time is now. Pray for your friends and loved ones. Pray for yourselves also that you withstand the trials. The Time of Great Trials is fast approaching, My little Children of Light and I intend to make you strong with many heavenly graces. Only dispose yourselves to receive them. Do so by going to Confession to cleanse your souls, then to the heavenly banquet that I bring to you in every Mass through the hands of My priest sons. Pray for them, My children. They are in great need of prayer. Pray and offer sacrifices for your shepherds, the Bishops who are in desperate need of prayer. Do not judge them, My beautiful little ones, only pray for them and encourage them to choose the right path. You may think, ‘I am only a lay person. What can I do that would have any impact?’ Do not think this way. Put on the mind of Christ, My children. Together, there is nothing you and I can’t do. I work in and through you. Your shepherds need your wisdom and encouragement very much. They are in constant battle for souls. The attacks are much stronger on their souls than on yours and they need to be fortified by your love and your prayers. Fast for them, My holy children. Love My Church enough to fast for your shepherds. When you do this, you do it for Me.”
“Help Me to win souls, My children. Offer every task, every suffering, even each inconvenience for souls and for your shepherds. Think of how much this culture wears on pure souls. You cannot imagine how very difficult it is for My holy pure Bishops who are being persecuted even by their own brothers as well as by the world. They are undergoing Golgotha with Me, My children. Be faithful to My Church and stand with your persecuted brothers and sisters. Love as I have loved you. Pray for those who persecute you and when they persecute you, remember they are persecuting Me, also. I love you, My Children of Light. I encourage you to remain strong in the faith. Teach it to your children and grandchildren. You will need to pass the Faith on to them. If you do not, it will die and be extinguished like the small flame of a single candle. When you stand firm in your Faith and teach your family to do the same, the flames become stronger, brighter and burn like an enormous bonfire. This is what I intend for My Children of Light, to be so bright for love of God that you penetrate the darkness and burn so brightly as to end all darkness. You can do this, My little ones, because I will send My Holy Spirit yet again when consciences will be illuminated in a powerful way. The Light of My Spirit will shine its purity on every dark corner within man’s hearts and minds. They will see themselves as I see them. They will have such clarity that it will be blinding for some. Be prepared to evangelize and instruct people in the Faith of the One True Church, for there will be a multitude of conversions all over the world. *My child, please focus on compiling the packets of literature and blessed items My daughter (name withheld) told you about. Some of My children are doing so, but there is a great need for more groups of My children doing this. I will use these to teach the lost souls who will return home and they will be very open to learn, indeed they will be hungry since they have not had real food before. Prepare many, many packets to give to these beautiful souls who will be like empty vessels longing to be filled with holy grace and the beauty and truths of My Church. You are going to be the saints of this day as My Most Holy Son, Louis, prophesied. You must prepare now for this for there will be no time later. Do not wait, My children. Please, I urge you in this. Seek the Sacraments, pray, read Holy Scripture, offer yourselves as living sacrifices for the good of souls and be prepared to rescue souls during the time allotted after the Illumination. This is all My children. My daughter, get this message out as quickly as possible, for I want many souls to know this information right away.”
(Personal conversation omitted.)
“Events in the world are occurring rapidly, My little one. You wonder why some things haven’t happened, yet and why some evil deeds, already exposed are not coming to fruition. (consequences) My child recall the corruption that permeates your nation and the world. It will all be exposed one day. If it was acted upon now, just consequences would not be enacted. The timing is critical in days such as this. I am aligning all that needs to occur and to be in place. All will occur in due time. Continue to be merciful, to love, to pray, to receive the Sacraments and to be open to My direction. Ask My Most Holy Mother Mary to guide you in everything now. Remain in the shelter of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. You are now living in treacherous times and you need every protection I give to My Church. In all things, trust. Do not fear. Remember, I am purifying the World and creating a bright and beautiful future for all of My children. You are the Children of Light. I am counting on you to carry My Light, the light of faith in one of the darkest times in history. My Children of Light, soon you will be the Children of the Renewal. First, you must pass through these times of disobedience. You will get through this, with My help. I want you to not only survive and get through this, but to be victorious. Yes, My children, victorious. My Mother who is Our Lady of Victory will lead you. Pray the Most Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Pray also the Chaplet of St. Michael. You must pray now every day, just as you take your vitamins, brush your teeth and other routines. Now you must realize this prayer and this time of receiving the Sacraments is vital for you. Incorporate this into your daily routine as much as possible, My children.”
“That is all, My little one. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Bring My love, My mercy and My peace to the world.”
Amen! Alleluia, Lord!
Source: ➥