Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, January 17, 2021
2nd Sunday after Epiphany & Feast of Our Lady of Hope (Pontmain, France)

Hello, my dearest Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion this morning, Lord. Mass was and is so beautiful! I am grateful that (Priest name withheld) makes it possible for us to come to Adoration when so many chapels are closed. Please bless and protect him always. Lord, I am concerned about people receiving this vaccine. Lord, the use of fetal cells from babies killed (in the womb) is horrific! If that wasn’t enough, people are being experimented unbeknownst to them. It’s one giant research study with experimental therapeutics. It’s very concerning, Lord. Please help people who have taken the vaccine escape from physical, mental and emotional harm. So many are in the dark about this, Lord and friends and even some family members are getting the vaccine. Give them a way out, Lord. Please God. Lord, many of us think that President Trump will remain in office but others think we are in for a communist takeover. Either way, there are troops deployed in Washington DC (a large number). Please protect us, Lord from communism. I know we deserve the worst but You are merciful, Lord. If You decide to spare us, we will be spared. Help us, Lord. Heal our nation, Lord. Grant us Your peace. I realize I am asking the impossible, Lord since we deserve punishment because of the many sins committed. Protect our families and friends. Lord, please heal (names withheld) and all who are ill. I pray for the souls of (names withheld) who died recently. Please take their souls to Heaven, Lord. Jesus, I pray for the special intention requested of me. Please hear the prayers of all who are faithful to You, for the people who do not know and love You. Lord please grant them graces for conversion. Help them to come to know and love You, Lord.
Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“My child, remind My children to seek refuge in My Sacred Heart and in the heart of My Mother. My Father will not refuse His children’s request for refuge in our hearts. Remind them of this prayer that I gave you. I invite all to say this whenever refuge from the storm is needed.* (prayer is printed below) Now is the time to begin praying this many times a day whenever you begin to be afraid or things become tense. I am with you, My children. I will not abandon you. Trust in Me.”
Thank You, Lord. Jesus please protect us from the evils of communism. While we have been focused on our lives, the enemy has slowly but surely invaded our Church and our government. Lord, only You can save us. Help us Oh, Lord. Help us also by giving us the graces for conversion of every soul in our nation. Send forth Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth.
“My little one, I will pour out My Spirit in these days. All will know of My saving power. All will know I am the Lord God. All will know their sins as all will see their souls as I see them. Each person will be infused with knowledge of the state of their souls and where they would go, Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell if they died at that moment. Be prepared to accompany many to the priest for the Sacraments. Be prepared to evangelize as needed. Some will be infused with the knowledge of the Sacraments and Church teachings. Many will not have this gift, though for they will be struggling and even horrified by their own sins. This is necessary, My child to convert as many souls as possible while there is time. My child, do not worry about what is to come. I have already told you the Time of Great Trials is upon My children and though I will be with you, it will be challenging. Read My holy priest son’s messages and his direction to the refuges. (Fr. Michel) Pray for guidance and I will direct you. My children, I have prepared you, as has My Mother over many years. Still there are some who are not prepared for they did not know or they were unbelieving. You will need to share from your stores so that My people do not go hungry. I will multiply necessities, but you must share generously. This is living the Gospel message, My children. You will develop into communities in time and I will guide you in what you must do. I will also send people to you so that you will have needed talents, skills and gifts. I tell you this so you will understand that I have seen to everything. I will provide. Be open to your Jesus, love one another. Share all that you have been given by Me and be merciful. Accept all who come to your door when the time comes. Welcome the stranger. Those of you who have refuges, you will welcome all. This is already understood by you, but I say this so that those who may be concerned about ‘imposing’ on others will know that this is My plan for My children. The adversary wants to kill all human beings. Yes, My child, he wants to kill all human beings, even those who cooperate with him. I will protect you, as I protected My people when I brought them out of the land of Egypt and through the wilderness. Be aware of the times. Be alert. Pray, pray, pray, fast and frequent the Sacraments while you are able. Read Scripture, My children. Remember, while you are storing food, you must also have medals, candles, rosaries and Scripture for those who will come to you for protection. Some will flee with only the clothes on their backs. Share what you have with them. When you hear of many explosions, do not be afraid. Do all that My Holy Spirit directs you. Care for your brothers and sisters in need. My children, do not stop praying. My words are here to give you guidance and encouragement. Always, you must pray. Souls are in need. Remember them in prayer. Do not give up hope, for I am at work, My children, and I am actively involved in the lives of My Children of Light. You have nothing to fear. Be at peace. Come to Me and request My peace if you are unsettled. Entrust your loved ones to Me. Give them to Me, My children.”
Thank You, Lord. So many of us are concerned about our children and loved ones who are either away from the Church or who have never been believers in the Catholic Faith. We trust You to save us, Oh Lord and to save our loved ones. Help them to come to You sooner than later. Lord, thank You for Your promises during the 3:00 hour in the Divine Mercy devotion. Praise You, Lord! Blessed Mother, Our Mother of Hope be with us, your children. We seek refuge in Your Immaculate Heart and we trust in Your motherly care. Protect us from all evil and danger, Mother. Keep us safe within Your Immaculate Heart where nothing can touch us. Help us to be like You in our love for God. Help us to do all He asks of us, just as You advised at the Wedding Feast of Cana. May we love our brothers and sisters as you love, most Holy Mother of God. Please pray for us and do not give up on us, even when we do not love as we ought. Thank You for being the perfect, holy mother. We fly to You now, dearest one with every need, every wound, each pain and sorrow. We bring all of these and even our joys to You, knowing You will console us, protect us, teach us and love us. Help us, Your daughters to be good mothers, also whether we are spiritual or physical mothers. May we be open to the gifts of Your Spouse, the Holy Spirit and may we become more and more like You and like Your Son each day. May our husbands, sons, fathers and brothers become more and more like St. Joseph. Give us the graces we need and those graces which go unused to become more holy, closer to Your Son, Jesus so that we carry out God’s Will in our lives. Thank You dear Mother, Our Lady of Hope. We trust in Your intercession.
“My little lamb, your prayers are appreciated by all of Heaven and especially by My Mother. Thank You, dear one. My child, all is in place now. Await My plan to unfold, with peace and love, even if there is chaos all around you. Be at peace. I am the Prince of Peace.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia.
“I bless you, My daughter and My son in the name of My Father, ion My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go now in My peace. Be love, Be mercy. Be joy. All will be well.”
Source: ➥