Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Adoration Chapel

Hello, my dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Altar. It is good to be here with You, Lord. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion this morning. Thank You for the gift of Reconciliation. Lord, bless my confessors and give our holy priests many graces for their priesthood and for the times we are living. Jesus, bring many souls to You and help many who have left the Church return. I pray for (names withheld) and all who are suffering from separation due to Covid. Many are afraid, Lord because they are not in good health, but also due to the false information being spread. Lord, You did not bring a spirt of fear. Give us trust in You, Lord. Praise You Lord Jesus Christ! I love and adore You, my Lord , God and King!
(Personal conversation omitted.)
Jesus, please heal the sick and suffering, especially (names withheld) and may all who are caring for them receive graces, as well. Give them Your peace, Lord. Bless all Your holy priest sons, especially (names withheld) and all priests who are speaking out for liberty. Lord, please help our shepherds, especially (name withheld) to stand with courage in the face of adversity and to keep our churches open. Lord, we need the Sacraments desperately. Many of us don’t think we could go through another ‘lockdown’ though I trust You will provide us graces if we do. Guide us in this perilous time. Give us graces to withstand persecution, Lord and may Your Church remain strong and true. May we allow ourselves to be vessels of Your light and Your love. I know You are with us, Lord and You never leave us to face our battles alone. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My child, My little one, thank you that you decided for Me again. Thank you for your yes and for your love. My child you are close to Me and I open My heart to you. You are aware that in My heart is deep sorrow and suffering for mankind, for those who mourn, for those who are persecuted, for those who are silenced and even killed like My most holy innocent ones. You also know that in My heart is great love and mercy. My child, those who want to be united to My Divine Will and within My Sacred Heart will also know suffering, sorrow, love and mercy. You will know what it is to be persecuted, to be mocked and treated unfairly. You will know joys, also and the glory of God. Yes, My child it is true that to love Me is to be well acquainted with the cross. You, My child love the cross and you have become more aware of the suffering I endured in My agony that began in the Garden and culminated on the cross. The worst of which was the coldness of men’s hearts, the rejection of My love, and the hatred they had for the Son of God. Yes, I also realize some did not know what they did, or the full understanding since they did not know who I was. They did not know My true identity. Even so, their hardness of heart and their indifference was most painful to Me since I came so that man would know the love of the Father. I came so they would have new life. I revealed Myself to them, holding nothing back. I allowed Myself to be known and to be vulnerable even as a baby in the hands of My creatures. Think of this, My little lamb; I created the very souls, out of great love, who crucified Me as well as all who were yelling to condemn Me. This is why I came, though. To take the sins of the world upon Myself and to die for them, so that My beloved children can live. My child, I have given you glimpses of My suffering lately and you have felt even more love for Me. You have ‘seen’ how gruesome I appeared after I was beaten, whipped, crowned with thorns and dying on the cross and yet you did not shudder but only tried to console your poor Jesus. Thank You, My little one. Your concern for Me does console My heart. You are a loyal friend, My child. You think that this is the way most people would be if they really knew, but this is not so. Most would be repulsed and would not dare to look at Me. My child, you dismiss these words for you think little of your own holiness. But, I tell you and all of My beloved little souls, thank you for loving your Jesus. To all My Children of Light pursuing Me through a life of prayer, hard work, and loving and serving others, I say thank you!! You all are the delight of My Sacred Heart. I am calling upon My Children of Light to brace yourselves for the times to come, just as one would when encountering a storm at sea, or a very rough ride in a car. Brace yourselves, through prayer and fasting. Fortify yourselves with the Sacraments and My Word. Refresh yourselves by loving your family and friends. Be more and more focused now on Me, My children. Keep your eyes on Me. Recall that St. Peter stepped out confidently on the water walking toward his Lord and Savior, but when he took his eyes off Me, he began to sink. Also, recall the Apostles at sea when a storm blew in and they became terrified when they realized the boat would soon sink. Only when they were desperate, did they awaken Me and call upon My name. Then, I calmed the sea. Had they called on Me immediately, they would not have almost capsized. They could have avoided much wasted energy and averted their fears. Remember this lesson, My little Children of Light and call on My name early, often and continuously and I will act. I act, My friends because of My love. You must enable My action by acknowledging your need for God’s assistance and by requesting it so as to fully cooperate with My Will. My sons and daughters I truly and completely respect your free will and this is why you must seek Me and seek My assistance. I am a good and loving Savior. I will not abandon you, but you must give your own ‘yes’. No one can do this for you. Oh, My children if you only knew how much I love you. Realize also that I am teaching you something about love and respect. I, too want you to respect My Will. So many people curse My Will and curse Me. What they do not realize is that most of the bad things, the negative consequences in the world, are the result of sin. When people live sinful lives with no remorse, they often blame God for their misery. My children, living a life of sin brings misery. Choose to live lives of holiness and even suffering will bring you joy. You will have true joy and you will be satisfied and at peace. This is true even if the circumstances around you are difficult. My children, when will you realize you are unhappy outside the family of God? Come home, My little lost children. Come home to the family of God. I will forgive everything, you only need to repent and believe. I have already paid the price for you. Come back to Me. All will be well. You can begin anew.”
Thank You for Your mercy, Lord Jesus. Thank You for Your love. Praise You for Your forgiveness and Your peace. Give us Your grace to do all that You ask of us, Jesus. Help us to welcome the stranger, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give drink to the thirsty. Help us to comfort those who suffer and who mourn. Help us to walk with those who are carrying heavy crosses. Help us to be like You, Lord. Help us to love You more and more. I love You, my Lord and my God. Thank You for the blessing of family. May we all be united in faith soon. I trust You will bring the strays back to the fold, Lord for You are the Good Shepherd!
Lord, thank You for getting (name withheld) and me together yesterday. You answered my prayers. Oh, thank You for Your mercy, Lord. Please give us all that we will need when the time comes. I realize we do not have all that will be needed, but I know that You will provide just in time, Lord. I have experienced this first hand, Lord. Jesus, please provide for the person of my special intention. Provide for these needs, Lord and bless them. Thank You, Lord for the gift of salvation. Help us all to attain Your Kingdom one day. Until then, Lord help us to live as if we were living there now so to love and be love to others.
“My child, I am with you. Do as I have asked of you and My son (name withheld). Focus on final preparations My little lamb and trust in Me. All will be well. The time is approaching and all I have told you will be fulfilled. Go now in peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. All will be well. Trust in Me.”
Amen, Lord. Amen!
Source: ➥