Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Ascension Sunday, Adoration Chapel

Hello, dearest Lord Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is wonderful to be here with You! Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion, Lord. Praise You for the many blessings You give to us; for our lives, for our family, for health and for the ability to worship You in the Holy Mass and to receive the life-giving Sacraments. Thank You for this time of Adoration where we are once again in the presence of our Lord and Savior and where we can worship You hidden in the Blessed Sacrament. We are truly fortunate and blessed.
Lord, I am concerned for (names withheld). (name withheld) disease is progressing and the next part of his journey weighs heavily on (name withheld). Lord, she has been such a comfort to (name withheld). Send consolations to her, Jesus. They love each other very deeply and have not been apart during their marriage. Send many Simons to her, Lord as she moves through this difficult and sad time. Be with (name withheld) and even if his mind is failing, reassure his heart and soul that You are still near to him and will never abandon him. Make the memories in his heart present to him even if they do not come to mind. The soul is much deeper than the mind, Lord and he will continue to know his Savior even when his mind fails him. Lord, if it is Your Will, heal him. You can do all things and nothing is impossible for You. If it is Your Will to bring him home to You, Your Will be done. That is our goal in life, to make it to Heaven. Either way Lord, I know Your Will is holy and perfect. Your Will is always for our good. Thank You for Your adorable, Divine Will. I love Your Holy Will, Jesus. Please do Your Will in my life, also.
Personal dialogue omitted.
Jesus, please protect our priests from this illness and even more so I pray they will be protected from the vaccine. Help us, Oh Lord. Have mercy on us and protect us from all evil. Jesus, I trust in You. Oh, my beloved who is also my God, make my heart a flame of pure love for You. Jesus, I trust in You. Whatever happens may we (our family) continue to walk in Your footsteps, live the Gospel and love heroically.
“My little one, thank you for being here with Me today. I am consoled by you and My son, (name withheld). I realize sometimes it is tempting to do other things after Mass, to go home and rest, but it pleases Me that you decide for your Jesus.”
Lord, this is the best place to be, a combination of Holy Mass. We receive so much by Your love and mercy.
“Yes, My child and I desire more visits from My children. Now that the churches are open one would think they would be full and Adoration visits high. But alas, it is even worse than before. My people live in fear. They fear more for their bodies than their souls. Children, do you still not understand that you will not live forever on this earth, but your soul is eternal? It is far more important to nourish and sustain your soul, to grow in holiness no matter the cost, than it is to focus on the body. Yes, I gave you your bodies and they are temples of the Holy Spirit, but you were made by and for Me, for love of God. Union with Me in the Holy Eucharist is of utmost importance. I give you My very self, My children. I died for this unity with Me. I died for your salvation, so you could one day live with Me. Take care of your bodies because they house your souls, but do not worship your body. Certainly, do not live in fear. Fear is the absence of trust. Trust in Me, My children. Even if you contract a disease, trust in Me. This fear is being orchestrated by the evil one. Do not succumb to his tactics. The evil one and his minions plot to kill one-third of humanity first and then they plan to destroy another one-third by other means. My children, many of you are cooperating with this evil plan by succumbing to fear. You are falling in line. Run to your Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Seek mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You do not have a spirt of fear when your love for Me is greater. I give you the Spirit of trust, My children. I give you peace. Put your complete trust in Me, not man and especially not evil men who plan to rule the world. My children, there is no need to call My messengers conspirators for they expose the evil plans. Do not dismiss the seriousness of what is happening in the world today, for I assure you much of what is being revealed by so called conspirators is actually My children revealing the true conspiracy against humanity. You must awaken, clothe yourselves in My Holy Spirit and pray for My grace to see the truth. Do not put your trust in the gene modifying injections, that will harm you. Trust in Me. I have given you the way to protect yourselves. It has been with you for decades. Seek out the safe treatments when needed and remember the power of the Sacramentals. Keep blessed, exorcized holy oil, water and salt in your homes and use them regularly. Do not remain hidden out of fear. Do you not recall that I am your fortress and your refuge? I am ever present in times of trouble. Read Psalm 46, My children. My people do not fear no matter what the world’s problems are. I will triumph. I will prevail. I fought the battle for you when I died on the cross. I gave mankind the victory when I resurrected. I will lift My children out of the mire and you will shine like the sun in My heavenly Kingdom. Do not fear, My children. Instead, focus on living for Me. Serve one another out of love for God. Live the Gospel message, My dearest children. Live for Me and if you die for Me you will be martyrs for God. So live love, My children. Be not afraid. All will be well. Follow Me.”
Thank You, Lord. We are in need of continual reminders, because we are weak. Lord, help me to be open to and cooperate with Your Will each day, even when my work seems monotonous or extremely challenging, allow me to see that it is Your work. Help me to do each project and task to the best of my ability and cover all gaps, Jesus. Above all let me do what You Will and may it bring even more glory to You, Lord. Lord, there have been many casualties because of this virus and the lack of and willingness to treat it properly. So many lives that could easily have been spared. Comfort those who are grieving. They are too numerous to list, but You know each one. I can see there will be even more deaths due to these horrible injections masqueraded as vaccines. Jesus, I am subjected to so much propaganda every day. It is difficult, Lord. It is celebrated when more people acquiesce and receive these injections. Lord, You are truth. Help people to see what is true. Remove the scales from their eyes. Open their hearts and minds to the truth. Help those who are working and fighting for the truth, Lord. May the truth prevail soon, Lord before too many more die. Help the common person to find the treatments that really do work. Thank You, Lord for guiding me and my family. Protect those who fell for the lies because they didn’t know what to do. Thank You for caring about the details of our lives. Thank You for not abandoning Your people. Help me, Lord to never to abandon or forsake You. Jesus, I love You!
“Thank you, My little lamb. I love you and I will keep you close to My heart. I will continue to increase your trust in Me. I will give you graces to love heroically. My child, you dreamt about people in need and you saw yourself, in your dream helping someone who was in grave danger. When you awakened, you thought about steps you might take to prepare. This was all from Me, My child. I encourage you to follow through with this. I will guide you. Do not be concerned, but allow this to motivate your next steps.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You!
“My child, I am preparing My children all over the world for what is to come. Be prepared and do all that I ask of you. You will be in a good position then when the time comes. My (name withheld) and My (name withheld) I am working through you and with you. Do not lose heart. Continue to pray as I have asked for this is your protection and the way I guide you. It is important to build the foundation on prayer. Then, everything added will have a firm support and you will be able to bear the weight much more easily. Continue those prayer practices, My children for this will bear fruit in your lives. You will see My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). You are building the foundation now and you will continue to reinforce the structure by your prayers. Receive Me during the week when you can for Holy Communion is very vital to the life of souls. Go now in My peace. Live the Gospels. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be mercy. Be peace. Be joy. Be love. In all things, be love. Live as if you were living in Heaven now, My children. I am with you. All will be well.”
Amen, Jesus! Alleluia!
Source: ➥