Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Pray always for My Priests and Bishops
Message to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia

During the Holy Mass, I offer everyone to our Lord Jesus, even the Holy Souls.
Our Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, My child, I want you to always remain humble and simple to Me. That way, you console Me, and your reward will be great in Heaven. Pray always for My Priests and Bishops and offer them to Me.”
Looking at Father Robert as he was giving his homily, suddenly I could see our Lord Jesus standing right behind him.
“Wow!” I exclaimed. I was very pleased to see our Lord standing behind the priest.
Referring to the priests, our Lord said, “What I show you and teach you, and what you see and hear, they wish they could see and hear. But I only reveal to some but not to everyone. They must trust Me blindly and serve Me at My Holy Altar, knowing that I Am fully present with them. That is why I ask you for your help. They need a lot of support and prayer from the people.”
Our Lord was looking at me and said, “I also want to remind you that this year alone does not look too promising for the world. Many events will unfold as prophesied; they have yet to come and be fulfilled. Since humanity ignores My warnings and remains sinful and unrepentant, that offends Me so much.”
“But do not lose hope. Have faith in Me.”
“I also want to tell you that I will soon send to the world the Holy Spirit. It will descend like a gentle dew upon the earth and touch every human heart, and that will transform everyone. What is now dirty, it will make it all pure and white and clean.”
“This is coming soon because I Am working on it. Valentina, proclaim My Holy Word and tell people to repent and be ready for when this will come and happen.”
Again, pointing with His index Finger and in a very firm voice, our Lord repeated, “And don’t listen to anyone, only Me!”
Thank You, Lord Jesus. Have mercy on us.
Source: ➥