Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Take refuge in your homes and pray the Holy Rosary. Stay united with the Blessed Mary, call Her to your aid, ... She is waiting for you.
Message from God the Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

My beloved daughter, write to My people.
Jesus is the only Savior, He is the One who will give you life in love and joy; favor His Laws and abandon sin, take refuge in His Sacred Heart.
The pact is over, the great satanic project is at its last move, I will bring down their plan by intervening in person. I am the One who can do everything!
My children, return to Me so that I may save you and place you in the new world to enjoy all that belongs to Me in the beauty of My Love.
I ardently desire to be with you, to inhabit the same Earth, to place you at My Pasture and to drink from My Source. My children, if you knew how much I love you! If you knew how much I desire to embrace you and give you eternal happiness!
I only ask you to re-embrace the Holy Gospel, live in holiness, ... it will not be difficult if you give Me permission to help you.
Satan's wickedness has exceeded all limits, the time has come to intervene, help me to anticipate this intervention by standing firm on the true Magisterium of the Church.
Flee, My children, flee from the places where I am no longer present.
Take refuge in your homes and pray the Holy Rosary, be united with Most Holy Mary, ... seek Her, call Her to your aid, and you will be victorious, ... She is waiting for you.
As Mother of the Church, She will not fail to bring you God's holy gifts and guide you into battle, victorious in Him who is the Victorious King! ... God Is! ... no other god is!
Reanimated by the Holy Spirit Love you will have transformation. Turn your hearts to Him, it is time for mercy, ask for forgiveness of your sins, ... ask for God's mercy My children! Let us stand together!
Do not be deceived by Evil, its time has come to an end, you will be the ones to put it in chains "IF" you stay united to Me, the Mother of Jesus and yours, to Her who is the "Coredemptrix". A sure guide, She is sent by the Father, She is already victorious in the fight against Satan.
Put yourselves in priestly order , offer your lives for the salvation of your brothers, with all your love set out on the way, be faithful to Christ Jesus.
The battle is at its height, Hell is empty because the demons are all on Earth to give battle to the children of God, ... be vigilant and keep the Shield in you: steadfastness in faith.
God is waiting for you at His bedside to favor you with all His Good.
Go forward with courage and holiness,
I tell you that you will soon be in Heaven!
Source: ➥