Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, February 27, 2022

My Children, the Devil Is Enraged and Is Sowing Fear, Hatred and Death, Injustices and Catastrophes

Message of Our Lady to Marco Ferrari in Paratico (Brescia), Italy, during the prayer of the 4th Sunday of the month


My dear and beloved little children, I have been praying with you and for you; I have listened to your requests today… I present everything to the Most Holy Trinity.

My children, the devil is enraged and is sowing fear, hatred and death, injustices and catastrophes, but I am with you and remain with you.

My children, I am with you! Children, pray for peace, pray that peace may triumph first in your hearts, then in your families, in your communities and finally in the whole world.

My children, pray and implore the gift of peace. I am praying with you and for you.

I bless you in the name of God who is Father, God who is Son, God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. I kiss you, I clasp you all to My Heart. Goodbye, My children.

At the end of the apparition, Mary took Marco by the hand and, in bilocation, took him to the places where there is war. Upon awakening, the pilgrims close to Marco heard these phrases he said to Our Lady before saying goodbye to Her: “no, Mary… no, Mary… please… may this not happen”.

After reading out the message, very troubled, Marco told those present that he had seen scenes of destruction and death. Hatred can reach us [in Italy] in a short time if we do not pray with faith and if this war between Russia and Ukraine is not ended.


Source: ➥