Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Mary Mother Most Chaste
Message of Our Lady to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy

You call me "Immaculate"! But understand well what this means! My beloved children, I desire that you think more also about your behavior. My Immaculacy begins with My purity of spirit and then also of body!
My children, I do not demand that your body remain pure, you mothers understand My words well, but when I speak to you, My children, I mean "pre-marital purity"!
This purity remained the unnamed an impure act means just that. My daughters I address to you, resume living in chastity until your wedding day. I tell you that sin brings only negativity.
Your children, born from the impure act, come from sin and certainly sin does not bring purity. Understand that only a conscious confession will bring you back to peace with God.
I speak to you, My daughters, but My children are also in mortal sin if the act of conception takes place before the marriage blessing. Too many impure acts lead to as much negativity in your lives.
Pray for your young people to come to their marriage in purity of body and soul. I tell you that so many wars would not happen. I am your Mother, listen to Me at least in these last times, purify your bodies beyond the absolute purification of the spirit.
I bless you, be pure, may My purity be an example to you.
Mary, Mother most chaste.
Source: ➥