Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Prayer Must Be Felt, the Heart Must Be Open to Love
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 20.04.2022 - 4:28 p.m.
Prepare yourselves, My beloved ones, prepare yourselves for what your eyes will now see.
The Earth will tremble as it has never trembled, incandescent masses will come down from the sky, you will see the seas suddenly rise and crash on the coasts.
Man did not kneel down to his Creator God, he continued on the earthly path and still plans his future on Earth. Let him who has accumulated treasures on Earth know that they will be of no use to him! Instead, prepare your soul for the encounter with your Creator God, O men! The individual has despised the Commandments of God, ... he has put himself in God's place! ... In words he claims to have faith, ... to believe, ... but it is not truth.
Human beings still collect the things of this world and keep them within themselves, they share nothing with their neighbor, they are greedy, capable of killing, of passing over the body of their brother in order to keep possession of their possessions. Poor children! You do not want to open your heart to your God-Love, you shelter yourselves in your homes, ... you forget that God sees outside and within you! He sees within your heart.
How much pain, how much pain in Me, ... all the evil you have done to your brothers you have done to Me, your God! You who have renounced nothing in life will go through the great tribulation. God sees from the height of His Heaven!
Man no longer believes in the Power of God, ... he has become his own god, he manages his own life.
The time is now over, the Lord will now carry out His Plan: ... weeping and gnashing of teeth will come upon men, from every corner of the Earth they will raise cries of despair, they will ask God for mercy but He will not listen to the voice of those who have set themselves against Him, ... who have killed their own brothers to achieve their own well-being.
Today, so many "thrones" will fall My children! The powerful of the Earth will no longer have a chance to manage anything because they will collapse in the mud; I will strip them of everything! The cruelty done to human beings will fall on them. They will crawl on the earth, ... like snakes they will eat the poor they will raise.
Time is up O men,
the war advances fearfully,... fearfully!
Pray O men, stay in your little corner, in prayer. Denude yourselves of your ego, and before the Crucifix, on your knees, with a broken heart, ask Jesus for help so that His will may succeed in you and not yours. Work for good, My children, these are the last moments that the Lord grants you to redeem yourselves from all the evil you have done in your lives.
Even if you do not understand today, tomorrow, when you stand before God, you will understand because your eyes will open, your heart will weep because of the sins you have committed. This life has been granted to you to become holy but sanity has been set aside.
What boast will you have, My children, of all the evil you have done?
What boast will you have?
You will lose everything! You will lose everything!
I am calling you "again to conversion" so that you do not lose your souls. Rise up! Rise up and cry out to Heaven for help to come to your aid.
I see so much misery in men, so much misery in those who say they have converted! I see people who pray but do not pray!
Prayer must be felt, My children, the heart must be open to love, given to the Lord, so that He may accept your prayer, ... remember that God wants your heart! He wants your love!
And you who are saddened because you think you have nothing, do not damage your heart, "you" who are with the Lord, you are the richest in the Universe.
Listen to Me, follow Me, operate according to My will! You are children of God! ... You are My children! Adorn yourselves with God and abandon the world.
Come on everything is accomplished, you will soon be with Me in Paradise.
Source: ➥