Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Prepare to receive the baptism of fire, the second Pentecost is near!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 27.04.2022
Beloved children, you are on your way to the Holy City, the heavenly Jerusalem.
Abandon yourselves completely to the Word of Heaven and do not disturb your hearts.
Terrible days are coming on Earth, the vibration of the sun is strong, this Humanity will suffer much for not having listened to the Voice of God.
Earth tremors in progress, ... volcanoes ready to erupt, ... pray My children, pray so that God the Father will send His Angels to help. They are ready, lined up and waiting for the command, they will intervene as soon as God gives His approval.
The moon will soon go out and everything will go into deep darkness, it will be night for three days and it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for many men.
A great earthquake will be felt throughout the Planet. Men will cry with despair, they will finally cry out the Holy Name of Jesus, they will invoke Him because they will find themselves powerless.
Science will not understand and will not be able to give explanations, man has gone beyond the limits, ... God gives and God takes away.
Take care of your souls, consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, be pure, let your eyes look at the sky from where the Son of Man will descend!
Prepare yourselves to receive the baptism of fire,
the second Pentecost is near!
May the blessing of the Most Holy Trinity be upon all of you who console the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Source: ➥