Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, April 29, 2022

My Children, Do Not Harden Your Hearts, Let the Lord Mold Them in HIS Image

Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy


Message Of 26.04.2022 From Simona

I saw Mama, she had a thin white veil on her head and a crown of twelve stars, on her shoulders a wide blue mantle, a white dress and at her waist a blue sash. Mama's feet were barefoot and resting on the world, Mama's arms were open as a sign of welcome and in Her right hand a long crown of the holy rosary made as if of drops of ice.

Praised be Jesus Christ

My dear children, I love you and I thank you for having come to this call of Mine. My beloved children, stay close to Me, do not turn away from My Immaculate Heart, the evil now wanders in the world, it overwhelms it, remain firm in the faith, pray children, pray, kneel before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, there My Son is alive and true, there He is waiting for you.

Daughter, pray with Me, the world needs many prayers.

I prayed a lot with Mama, for the world, for its fate, for peace, for the Church and for the Holy Father, then I entrusted to Her all those who had asked for prayer. Then Mama resumed.

My beloved children, do not turn away from the Lord, open the door of your heart to Him and let Him dwell in you. My children, once again I ask you for prayer, pray with perseverance and strength, pray, make little flowers and sacrifices, let your heart be filled with love for the Lord: He loves you with an immense love, there is no love in the world like His, if only you would understand how immense is His love for each one of you, if only you would love Him. . .

My children, do not harden your hearts, let the Lord mold them in His image, let Him guide you, let Him love you.

Now I give you My Holy Blessing.

Thank you for coming to Me.


Source: ➥