Messages from Diverse Sources


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Your Jesus of Mercy

Message of Our Lord to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy


My child so dear to My Heart, I am your Jesus of Mercy. Consider yourself fortunate children for you have a Father God and His Son who allowed Himself to be crucified for your salvation.

I want to speak to you as I did to our first apostles. Beloved children, I can say that in those days I had few children who believed in Me, but today, My children who believed in Me have turned their backs on Me, and do you know why?

The things of the world are more important to them than the Son of God, the One who gave His own life for the salvation of His children.

Dearest children, I want your next prayers, to be directed to My Father, precisely for the salvation of My children who are lost preferring the useless things of the world.

You can tell them that you are at the end of these very bad times and then I and My Most Holy Mother will return to save from hell, all our children who will make themselves known as true children of God.

I ask this of you since your hearts are open to love. I, my children, need lovable children like you who do not tire of recommending to Me your children and all those who have turned away from God.

I thank you from now, as I read in your hearts, your affirmative responses. I want to find, in My next, second coming, all My children obedient to My Father.

My children, make yourselves apostles of peace and I will embrace you, at My second coming. I bless you with My promise of eternal salvation. I, Jesus, bless you in the name of the Father, in My Name and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Jesus of Mercy.

Source: ➥