Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, June 12, 2022

It Is Most Urgent to Return to Prayer

A Message from Our Blessed Mother given to Beloved Shelley Anna


Our Blessed Mother, adorned in radiant light says.

My children.

It is most urgent to return to prayer. Pray My Rosary of Light. A most powerful weapon against all vices, that will expel the darkness that surrounds you. When prayed faithfully, My Son’s Mercy, along with urgent graces, obtained in My Immaculate Heart, will be applied to you.

These are the final moments where humanity will suffer, because they harbor sin in their hearts, that leeds them down the broad path of destruction.

My children. Take refuge in the Holy Hearts of My Son and I, where grace and mercy flow. I am pointing the way to your salvation, that can only be attained, by receiving My Son, as your Lord, and Savior. Return to the foot of the cross, with repentance in your hearts.

My children.

Remember always My promises, and let your prayers be without ceasing.

Thus saith, Your Loving Mother.

Source: ➥