Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, June 19, 2022

Corpus Christi

Message from Our Lord to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia


Today at the beginning of Mass, I was surprised there was no Procession for the Feast of Corpus Christi.

During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus said to me, “I Am very, very disappointed today in this church. In an ordinary way, they celebrate My Corpus Christi. I was expecting more since this is the Cathedral and the High Mass. There should be a much deeper reverence for Me. This is not only here but in many other churches. Less and less reverence they give Me. Less and less important I Am for them in the churches.”

“Pray for the churches and pray for the clergy, the bishops and priests. The times are coming when they will give less and less importance to Me. They don’t understand how holy and how important I Am.”

Our Lord was very upset and sad today, as the Mass was not observed with the greatest Solemnity. They think it is not necessary.

Lord, have mercy on the clergy.

After the distribution of Holy Communion, kneeling in the pew, I again saw our Lord. First, He appeared as a beautiful image, all in white. But then in front of Him appeared a crucified Lord and then appeared, just His Body. Our Lord showed me how His Body that He offers is a Precious Holy Body, and His Blood is Precious Blood, and It comes all in one.

Our Lord always manifests after Holy Communion. I watched our Lord, so beautiful all in white, as He walked through the church, passing amongst the people, and as He did so, He blessed each person. He loves people; He loves everybody. He shares His Body and Blood with people, forgiving them when they come to Him and sincerely repent and confess their sins.

I thanked our Lord so much. I said, “Lord, how beautiful You are. How graceful You are. How loving You are. You forgive us, and You are abundantly among us sinners because we are little nothings.”

Source: ➥