Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Avarice is the Cancer of Life
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 06/23/2022 - 5:30 p.m.
I will baptize My children in Holy Spirit and fire, I will clothe them with holiness and love, ... they will be called children of the Most High and have eternal life in Him who is the Eternal God, I will show them Knowledge in Me, ... Wisdom in Me!
My children, oh you who are working for the Kingdom of God on Earth, verily I say to you, you are about to enter the new life, you are about to have life in Him who is Life.
Shortly many will be displaced, ... when the Mighty Voice of Eternal Love will be heard from Heaven, then all demons will be paralyzed and Satan with them, none of these beings will be able to react because I Am Who I Am!
They will now move the Planets, the cycles of life will change, the Powers of Heaven will triumph, ... everything is now imminent. Verily know that I the God of Eternal Love, will provide to transfigure everything in Me, everything will shine with Me because I will absorb everything in Me.
Dear and beloved priest sons, oh you who with Mary were to be sharers in the triumph of her Immaculate Heart, you will drink the bitter cup of your betrayal.
Judas' betrayal has been renewed through My shepherds of today! ... They have not discerned, they have become drunk with the things of the world, they have allowed themselves to be used by Satan, ... many in living consciousness have offended Me, others in their own weakness have acquiesced, ... sin My children, sin! But what Doctrine have you practiced? You have deluded yourselves that you could get away with it, instead you have fallen into Satan's misery.
You have repudiated your God Love for a paltry piece of silver, for a fleeting joy on Earth! My poor children, ... what an end is yours!
The prophecies dictated by Heaven have had their fulfillment, ... just a little longer, ... and for you it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth forever.
I call back My priests, those faithful to Me,
to join the little flock,
that little remnant fighting with the firm purpose,
to honor God, the living God!
Come forth into battle oh "anointed ones" of the Lord, lift up your heads, do not be afraid to offend man but let the fear of God be in you.
All is accomplished, the horror is at hand, everything that does not belong to God will be lost in the Hell that will come on Earth.
And you, who have guarded your treasures for fear of losing them, verily I say to you they will be pulverized, you will lose all your possessions because you have not honored God and your own brethren: ... avarice is the cancer of life . Farewell.
Source: ➥