Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, July 10, 2022

The sky will tremble, the stars will move, change position, and the Earth will experience its transformation.

Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 08.07.2022 (6:12 p.m.)

My Beloved Bride, I am your Shepherd, nothing will fail you in My pastures.

Hear My Word My daughter and transcribe what I say to you for My beloved people.

The fateful hours have come, the storm announced is about to break out, this Humanity will enter tribulation, its face will change, it will be deprived of all good, it will know hunger and thirst, it will weep for not believing My appeals.

Beloved children, prepare My shelters, be ready to receive those whom I Myself will send.

Peter's boat sinks ! ... The tormentors have worked well for treachery to come in the Church: ... they have corrupted My children, ... they have fed th%%HOLY_mye faithful with lies, they have made them fall into Lucifer's trap.

My priests have sold themselves to Satan, their going is in the things of this world, they have denied their God Love, for a paltry piece of silver they have sold their Master.

History repeats itself, the temple merchants have grown rich, their robes are sewn in threads of gold, but their souls have stench of death.

I am about to call My little remnant to Me, those who night and day pray and implore My Mercy, ... those who plead for My anticipated coming to put an end to this evil world.

I am about to thunder My wrath: ... the heavens will tremble, the stars will shift, change position, and the earth will experience its transformation.

Those who have given their lives for Life will live; those who have sold their lives for a day of glory will die.

Wonderful things will now come for God's children, those who, following Mary, have loved, adored, followed and served their One Good, the King of kings! Jesus, the Son of God!


Source: ➥