Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, July 18, 2022
The cataclysm is taking place, My people I will take in Me.
Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 17.07.2022 6:45 p.m.
Proclaim the Kingdom of God on Earth, O men, clothe yourselves with light and splendor.
The theater is about to close the stage, ... the curtain falls on ancient history, a new dimension opens: happy men, radiant with light and love, will dance together with their God the King and sing of infinite love.
The city seated on the seven hills is about to be besieged, the deception has been great, it will weep bitterly for its mistakes.
Men of Galilee here I am to you, My intervention on this Humanity is coming soon. I want to announce My mercy to you, O men, choose to be with Me, ask Me for forgiveness.
The sun is about to shoot fiery tongues over the earth, you are about to enter the fiery phase, O men, do not try to understand through science because nothing they will be able to explain to you about what will take place.
The cataclysm is taking place, My people I will take in Me, I will place them in safety, they will be guarded by My Angels while Hell will happen on Earth.
The third secret of Fatima is in place, Mary is ready with Her faithful retinue to anticipate the opponent's moves and put him out of the game.
My children, be ready for Satan's infernal attack, but be serene because I will be with you as Conductress at your side.
Pray my children, plead for God's mercy, love one another, do works of charity, do not turn away from faith in Christ Jesus.
Source: ➥