Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Your Only Mother
Message of Our Lady to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy

Dear children, I ask you again to pray to My Son for all your unbelieving brothers and sisters. They cannot imagine how great are the sufferings of hell.
My Son and I, could no longer intervene with the Father for them. Believe me My children, in these last times My greatest sufferings are precisely not being able to intercede for their salvation.
You mamas understand how much I am suffering, help me with fasts and prayers and that way we will be able to deliver so many of your loved ones from eternal pains.
Unfortunately, we won't have much time left, the Eternal Father is about to decide the return of Jesus and Mine to your earth and unfortunately, so many non-believers, they will run out of time for sincere conversion.
Their hearts are hermetically closed and only your prayers and offerings, can help them to open their hermetically closed hearts.
Beloved children, I commend myself to you because I know that I can count on your help. We will return to you for the times are being fulfilled. You know very well that many conversions can be had through your offerings and sacrifices.
My children, listen to me act soon and we can rejoice together for so many children who will return to the One who called them to true joy.
I bless you and embrace you.
Your Only Mother.
Source: ➥