Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, August 22, 2022

The Time of Persecution Has Come!

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 21.08.2022 - 2:55 p.m.

My children, the time of persecution has come!

Truly I say to you, O woman: follow My steps and never turn back.

My refuge will be for all My elect; I will not fail to give them protection through My angels. Nothing shall My children lack: you shall be, as God has promised you, guarded by His Angels and hidden from the eye of evil man.

To all who read this message of Mine today, I say, know that God will not fail to come to your aid; your faithful yes, earned by the offering of your life to Me, will be richly rewarded.

I will shelter you and all your loved ones, I will set you before Me as faithful and righteous servants! By your friendship to Me I will save your loved ones.

Keep praying, follow Me fervently and do not look at what the world possesses because you have so much more: you will have life in Me and be partakers of My All, you will have new worlds and new heavens to inhabit in the beauty of your Creator God.

I will unsettle the hearts of the wicked; I will put them in a situation of great sorrow. They will have to experience on their own skin the wickedness caused to their own brothers!

They will have to understand that no one IS, outside the Eternal God of Love , the Righteous, the Faithful the Absolute!

Kneel before the Crucified One and humbly ask forgiveness for your sins, O men!

Strip yourselves of your egos!

Everything is finished! The Earth will soon no longer be recognizable as you know it today; everything will be transformed. I God, will purify it, to give it back in the beauty of My All, to My chosen ones.

Do not boast of anything oh you who today possess much, for shortly everything will be taken from you! Beware lest you also lose your souls. Recover, convert now before the curtain falls on this ancient history.


Source: ➥