Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, September 1, 2022
You were created to love God!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 27-08-2022 -(Second locution).
They have done so much wickedness in this place: they have set themselves against God the Creator; they have set themselves against God the Savior! They have offended My Blessed Mother and the Son of God; they have dared to defy the Eternal. (Once again the prayer place at Good Shepherd Hill has been tampered with and defaced by vandals).
Oh sinful men, men who understand nothing, men who are slaves of Satan!
Oh you, My children, you! You, who even today have not opened your hearts to God!
You have not asked forgiveness for your sins! You have not knelt before the Crucified One, repenting for what you have done to this Humanity that believed in man and did not believe in its Creator God.
Oh, you, servants of Satan! Oh, you, cursed you shall be forever! You have not had mercy on My children, and I will not have mercy on you.
You will be enslaved forever, you will be chastened to the chains of Satan, ... fire will burn within you, My children; you will suffer much, much more than you have made My creatures suffer.
But what did you think you were doing? Did you feel like gods on earth? But God is One and He is in Heaven, on Earth there is no God, God is One! God is He who is One and Triune! No one can be like Him; in His presence all the servants of Satan will die, for when God is manifested to the world, they will fall into the fire of Gehenna and burn forever.
I have seen the bloody hands of many children! I have seen the transformation of many good hearts into bad ones because they have been seduced by the enemy.
A piece of silver was the betrayal so that you would turn away from God!
You believed in Satan for power in this world, to have the things of this world, to live the light and comforts of this world, you gave up eternal life, you chose an hour of glory for an eternal death.
Oh! ...poor sinners! ... Wretched men! How much I have searched for you! ... How much I have called you! ... How I have pleaded with you!
Enough My children, enough! What God's eyes see on this Humanity is horror! It is terrible! It is terrible! It is terrible My children: you have killed your own brothers, you have taken revenge against your God! Instead of praying and begging Him for your salvation, you have condemned yourselves to eternal death!
Oh My children! My children! Still I look at you and see no second thoughts, still you plan, for your "ego," to possess the things that should not belong to you. Still you plan to take what does not belong to you.
My children, you were not created for the things of the world, to embrace the things of the world; but you were created for God, ... for love, ... to love God! You were created to live an eternal life in the infinite joy of His love, but, you have chastened yourselves! You have soiled your hands, your souls. You have denuded yourselves of God to clothe yourselves with Satan! You are now with him, you have no escape! I see that you are convinced that he is your wealth, your well-being.
My Heart weeps for your loss because, I created man to be My child, to be "Mine," that I might enjoy his love, his beauty, enjoy the Creation I had made for Me!
Oh, what a betrayal My children, what a betrayal! To Me and to yourselves, ... You betrayed yourselves, you accepted eternal death instead of eternal life.
Come My children, come to Me! Come back to Me, come back to Me! It is God's supplication! Do not wait any longer, the time is over!
This is the time when everything will be fulfilled of what Heaven has announced to you, both good and bad.
The Earth itself will be transformed and will be restored to man in the beauty of God the Creator; all the filth it contains, the evil it contains will be washed away. God will purify the Earth and the Humanity that contains it.
Today I am telling you these things so that you can still open your hearts, that you can repent, ... it is love that I am giving you right now! It is love!
I want to open your hearts, kneel to Me My children, abandon Satan, renounce Evil My children, renounce sin, clothe yourselves with Light! The Light wants to embrace you, wants to make you shine in Itself, have the ability to repent and return to your Creator God.
There are few hours left for you now: few hours , little time , it is this time you live My children, it is this time you live! There will be no more time! There is no future on this Earth!
This Earth comes to die, as you know it today, it will be transformed; only God's children will see it and enjoy it in all the beauty that God will make available to them.
As Father, as God, as your Brother, as Mother, as Friend, I still beseech you, be in peace, purify your hearts and unite as brothers to the one and only true Love, your God Love, the One who awaits you with all of Himself, to finally open life, true life and eternally enjoy its wonders.
I love you, I hold you to My Chest and arouse the love I have, I bring it into your hearts; I want to awaken your love, I want to open your heart, I have the key, it is the key of love! I want to open your hearts, allow it My children! Allow Me to do it!
I love you with all of Myself My children.
Oh, how I would love to see you running in the new Earth and rejoicing in Me, I your God, your love, your only Good! I your All!
Behold, I am here beseeching you to life, return to Me My children, this is the hour, return to Me.
Forward I await you all with love and bless you again in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(Addressed to His creature)
I will thank you for your love to your God, for truly believing in this call, to your God Love.
How much misery My children, how much misery in you, how much misery! I also have difficulty in telling you all these things because so much you do not believe, you do not love Me, you are now far from Me.
But I am waiting for everyone. I am waiting for this door (of the cave) to be reopened by man, to be reopened by the love and charity of My creature toward His God. This is a place consecrated to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
You have not yet understood anything, you live in your thoughts, in your illusions; you are still earthly, you are still living the things of the Earth and you do not open your heart to your God Love, ... you do not respond! You do not respond to His will, ... to His desire.
Oh, if you were as I ask! Oh, if you would truly put your hands on this door and open it as I am desiring it to happen, ... before I open it! But, when I open it, many hands will fall, many hands will fall!
My children, abandon the things of the world and come here, this is an important door!
Source: ➥