Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, September 12, 2022
Announce the Return of Jesus through all sources of dissemination!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 07.09.2022 - (4:18 p.m. locution at the hill).
My blessed children, it is God the Father who now speaks to you!
It is God the Father calling you to be you of the holy priests , so that God's anointed and consecrated pastors may see greatness in you and imitate you.
My children, the Church has collapsed, ... Satan reigns within the Church!
Invoke the Holy Spirit to open your hearts and minds, to give you love for the One and Only True Priest, ... the Holy One, Jesus Christ the Lord.
Get down on your knees before the Crucifix, invoke Heaven's help, ask forgiveness for your sins, stay in tune with the Holy Gospel.
My children, take the Holy Scriptures in your hands, read! ... Listen to the Father's voice: in those pages is the Word of God!
Many things have been stolen, ... it still remains to understand that only God can do everything, that only God is the Creator, that man must kneel to his Creator lest he end up in the hands of the Devil.
It is the hour of darkness, My children, it is the hour of Satan! ... he has come out of his Hell with all his demons and they are unleashed in the ways of this world: ... the air is infested with Evil!
My children, pray, always have Jesus in your heart, pray for His anticipated return and pray the Holy Rosary.
Give your all to Heaven! Give yourselves for the salvation of this Humanity that has fallen into the hands of Satan and does not want to rise again.
I will not be able to wait long for My intervention, we are there now! The times have come, these are ripe times, in which you will see every revelation dictated to the prophets, come true before your eyes; ... disastrous things will happen, things that this Humanity thought was all fantasy!
Man is convinced that everything will return to normal, that peace will come.
Satan has made him fall into his trap to fill him with himself, take away all will, all thought, reduce him to the state of slavery!
Man, remote-controlled by Satan will be in his slave hands forever.
Behold, I God the Father, I want to anticipate My intervention so that this will not happen: My children will be lifted up soon, I will bring them into a new world!
I will bring back to Earth, filled with the heavenly gifts, the true soldiers of Jesus, the last apostles, those who will go into the world to evangelize those who have denied the Son of Man still in the vision of the Glorious Cross.
Beloved children, unite among yourselves, be strong in Love! Strong in the Word of God! Strong in announcing the Return of Jesus to this Earth.
Call all peoples to salvation!
Announce the Return of Jesus
through all sources of dissemination!
Ask this Humanity to prepare, the time is now!
Everything will be fulfilled in this time, under the eyes of this Humanity.
Go ahead! I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I welcome you into My Heart;
As Father and as Creator God I will carry you on My Arms and teach you to walk in My Word, in My Will, in My Truth!
My children, I will carry all of you who will listen, you who are passionate about the Word of the Lord!
You who serve Him, love Him, call upon Him with all your strength, you will be given the opportunity to walk in His arms to be strong and victorious. Amen.
Source: ➥