Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, October 29, 2022

Turn Away, O God, the Disease That Is Destroying This Humanity. Invocation of Most Holy Mary

Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Image of the Queen of Love, at the Good Shepherd Hill in Carbonia

Carbonia: Recall of the message March 17, 2020.

Most Holy Mary:

My soul magnifies the Lord and My spirit exults in God, My savior!

My children, what a joy to see you in constant prayer, with the Holy Rosary in your hands, trusting and offering yourselves to God. My Immaculate Heart is already in its triumph.

Blessed children, know that Jesus is waiting for all of you, waiting to embrace you to Himself. As in the days of Noah, "history repeats itself," man drinks in foolishness and iniquity.

This Humanity is worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. God looks at man in his great impiety and disobedience to Himself.

I ask you for conversion, O men, do not be foolish, the storm is about to break out on Earth and great will be your sorrow.

Faithless men, begin new, ask Jesus to help you discover faith in Him; though unworthy place yourselves before Him, eager for His forgiveness.

"God, Good and Holy Father, let Your mercy descend upon Your people!

Give peace and comfort to Your people.

Today, so many souls return to You, kneel to You, ask You for forgiveness!

They yearn to be admitted to Your altar to find You and join You.

That part of the holy Gospel is about to be fulfilled, " will be baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire."

Behold Father, Your people acclaim You, bless You and await You in Your great Goodness. Man in his imperfection is weak, Satan has managed to subdue him with his falsehoods, but today, many of these children repent and ask immensely for Your forgiveness.

Save your people, Lord, save these men who ask for your help, succor your children Lord, wash away their sins with the washing of your Holy Spirit.

Turn away, O God, the disease that is destroying this Humanity. Many have already bowed their hearts to You, stand in supplication and constant prayer that You will not abandon them to death. Blow on these children who today implore Your grace, who ask You to save them from this hellish virus.

Put an end to this debacle caused by Satan, deliver O My Lord, Your children from this plague.

In love and charity I come to You with My people, the one You yourself entrusted to Me, behold I bring them to You, I present them to You, new. They want life in You O Good God, Giver of Eternal Life. Today they hail Thee as their God, they acknowledge Thee as their God, Love and Creator.

May Your grace succeed in them! In Your infinite mercy put an end to this hellish virus, ... save Your people, O Lord!

Now, I take these children by the hand and beseech Thy blessing and protection upon them. They prostrate themselves to You, true God and true Man."

Onward My children, come more and more to My side that I, Mother of Jesus and your Mother, may have the opportunity to bring you all holy and spotless before God!

Source: ➥