Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Do Not Nullify Yourself O Man, Life Continues in Me the Creator God!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 04.11.2022 (7:22 p.m.)
I cry to My people My truth: My people hurry up from the mire that suffocates you!
Your life is in Me: I am your Creator God, God Love and Savior!
Do not wiggle in things that will soon be buried,
live in communion with Me.
Pray and fast from the things of the world,
abide in Me.
Deliver your soul from the heavy disease of sin,
purge thyself, O man, purge thyself!
Do not wait for disaster to manifest itself in your eyes,
provide for your safety in Me,
only I can save you, O man!
My Father Heart suffers, suffers for your weakness and your doggedness to the things of Earth.
Do not annihilate yourself O man, life continues in Me the Creator God, your Creator!
Arise My child, come meet Me , I am waiting for you to grace you with My infinite Good and place you in eternal love and jubilation.
Now, there will be days of great sorrow for foolish men, for those who in their free will have chosen the way of greed, for those who have given themselves over to Satan!
My children, the hour has come for you to repent,
do not delay any longer,
save yourselves or men,
seek Me,
supplicate My mercy.
I am waiting for you, I will embrace you to Me and make you eternal in Me.
Go ahead! You still have left, just enough time, to convert !
Source: ➥