Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, November 18, 2022
You Are My Beloved Apostles and I Will Not Permit the Evil One to Snatch You from My Crucified Hands
Message of Our Lord to Anna Marie, an Apostle of the Green Scapular, in Houston, Texas, USA

Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear You calling me. My Lord are You Father, Son or Holy Spirit?
Jesus: My dear one, it is I your Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.
Anna Marie: Thank You for coming Jesus and thank You for speaking to me, your unworthy servant. My Lord, may I ask You please; will You bow down and adore God your Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?
Jesus: Yes, little one. I your Divine Savior, Jesus, will now and will always bow down and adore My Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all living things, all that are visible and invisible.
Anna Marie: Please speak my Divine Lord, for Your sinful servant is now listening. Dear Holy Spirit, please guide Me to take our Holy Lords message down in Your perfect and Holy Will.
Jesus: My little one, I know this has not been an easy last few weeks for My beloved Apostles, especially those who again witnessed the fraudulent voting, re-election of those who were not voted into office and instead cheated to take office in an un-holy way. For each candidate and each person who did so, they will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven because they have not obeyed My Fathers Ten Commandments that must be followed by every living soul on earth: Christian or non-Christian.
Anna Marie: Yes My Lord.
Jesus: Do your best to endure this treachery and watch the hand of My Holy Father reveal what has taken place. For anyone who assisted and took part in the fraudulent elections, you must come forward and confess what your part was in this stolen election and you must also confess your sins before you will be forgiven for your actions.
Anna Marie: Yes Jesus.
Jesus: My Church is collapsing under the weight of this non-elected pope who also stole the election during the conclave. See the destruction he has caused?
Jesus: My beloved Apostles, hold on to your faith and monitor each Priest who offers Holy Mass. If My Words of Consecration are not fully recited, then get up and leave the Mass because My Body and Blood are not present! You will witness in the coming months a new consecration being introduced by wicked servants of the anti-christ. Do not attend that church or any of those masses where the prayer of “Consecration” has been changed. You cannot and I ask that you do not financially support that church where Masonic priests have infiltrated My Order of Priests. There are many wicked servants now within the ranks of Priests; this does include Bishops and Cardinals. Be vigilant! Be attentive during the Holy Mass and pray for the Holy Spirit to bestow upon you His gifts of Wisdom and Understanding. You must never attend a Mass where the prayers of Consecration have been obliterated by any Priest, Bishop or Cardinal.
Jesus: Now go little one and make sure this message is posted this day.
Anna Marie: Yes My Lord, I will.
Jesus: Please let all My beloved Apostles know I do see their pain, suffering and lack of trust in their lives. Yet you must know all must be fulfilled prior to My return. For those who believe I have abandoned them, please know I have not done so. I am here waiting on each one to lift up their sorrows to Me so I can help lead them through the trials of this life. The emotional and spiritual sufferings My beloved Apostles are enduring now, will be washed away when I return and even during the Illumination of Conscience. This is when each soul will experience the inner illumination of all the sins they had ever committed and have repressed during their lives. This will be a great time of reconciliation with Me and they will experience great joy and peace after they have Sacramentally confessed these repressed sins; because they will be in a perfect State of Grace and will be living in My Divine Will. Do not fear anyone or anything. Fear is a demonic spirit and with My love for you, trust in Me and I will conquer the demon of fear that torments you.
Jesus: My beloved ones, I will be returning soon in your life time, for most. Those I call home to be with Me now are needed in Heaven to pray for their loved ones who remain on earth. Do not be afraid but always surrender your human will into My Divine Will daily and I will bestow upon you a great peace during your days. I love you all. I cherish each of you. You are My beloved Apostles and I will not permit the evil one to snatch you from My crucified hands.
Jesus: Now make sure you are preparing for My return to your homes for Christmas so I can bless your bread and water. This bread and water that I bless will be miraculous for your household because I will not permit your food and water to dry up. I will ensure you always have enough food and water to feed yourselves and your family members too.
Jesus: Be in absolute peace. Peace I give to you, My peace I leave with you. So dry your tears and rejoice, your Savior is coming soon to save My broken children and to restore My Fathers love upon the earth. Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus of Divine Mercy.
Anna Marie: Thank You Jesus. Praise You Jesus. All Apostles love You Jesus. We surrender to Your Holy Will. Amen.
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