Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
The Son Will Now Descend to the Earth
Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 06.12.2022
Heaven and Earth will come together in unison!!!
Word of God!
Beloved children,
prepare yourselves for the great event that will be manifested in the heavens!
My Return is anticipated!
The Father has decreed His consent,
the Son will now descend to Earth.
Behold, He comes with His heavenly procession to manifest His Glory!
Beloved children,
My intervention in the world will sanction a New Covenant,
a New Covenant:
God and His people united in one heart.
He will thank every man faithful to Him,
obedient to His holy Will.
God is Father, Mother, Brother and sincere Friend,
in Him are contained all Graces; in Himself He brings Love!
Whoever will believe in Him will be placed at His side,
and will live in eternal happiness, in perfect love! God Is!
Horses and Knights, girded for the great day.
Behold the Christ! The King of kings,
His song is love that envelops the hearts of men.
The whole Universe will festively accompany the Day of the Lord!
Come out of your iniquities, O men!
Heaven is already celebrating your deliverance,
do not be foolish, convert your hearts to the Most High,
waste no time,
Everything is now to be shown to your eyes.
Repent, O men, lest you be bewildered on that day.
Remedy now, in these few remaining days available for your conversion.
Return to your God Love, to your Creator before it is too late!
God is love!
Repent of your sins,
renounce Satan,
do not be dazzled by his false lights,
time is now in your favor, do not miss this chance.
Convert oh man, convert!
Hear the heartfelt cry of salvation of your Creator God, kneel down to Him,
choose Him, Eternal Life, to possess it in you.
I cry out to My people:
My children, the storm will break suddenly,
you will not have time to reflect, do it now while you still can.
God saves!
* * *
Eve of Mary Most Holy Immaculate.
Source: ➥