Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
An Impending Disaster Will Take Place in Your Nation Very Soon
Message from Our Savior, Jesus Christ to Anna Marie, an Apostle of the Green Scapular, in Houston, Texas, USA

Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear You calling me. My Lord, are You Father, Son or Holy Spirit?
Jesus: My dear one, it is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.
Anna Marie: My dear sweet Savior, may I ask You please? Will You bow down and adore God Your Eternal, Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.
Jesus: Yes little one, I Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, will now and will always bow down and adore My Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, all that is visible and invisible.
Anna Marie: Please speak my Divine Lord, for Your sinful servant is now listening.
Jesus: My dear one, I have called you this night to warn you of an impending disaster that will take place in your nation very soon. I ask that you request all My beloved Apostles to begin praying for its mitigation please. This event will take place in several locations and will impact many, so the sooner you can pray that it is mitigated, the better the outcome. It will diminish the effect on your citizens of the U.S.
Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus. I will ask all Apostles to pray for the mitigation of this event my Lord. Can You tell me if it will be caused by a terror attack?
Jesus: Yes, it will begin with sabotage.
Anna Marie: Thank You Jesus.
Jesus: My dear one, please ensure this message is posted quickly to help save souls.
Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus. I will. We love You Jesus. All Apostles love You dear Jesus.
Jesus: Let my beloved ones know I love each of them too and am always watching over each one. And so does My Holy Mother, Mary.
Anna Marie: Thank You my Lord and please thank Your holy Mother for us.
Jesus: Yes, she knows. Now go and tend to your daily chores.
Anna Marie: Yes dear Lord. Thank You!
End of Message
Note: I felt as if this impending tragedy could happen in December or January. Anna Marie.
Source: ➥