Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, December 12, 2022
Do Not Remain Indifferent to My Call for Salvation
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 11.12.2022
Peace be upon you!
My children, beloved of your Lord God, listen, open your ears, the Father still speaks to you.
It is the end of an old time, ... it opens to a new life, everything will be transformed! The good will enjoy life in Me, while for others there will be departure!
The curse of the forger has come to change your hearts, My children! Your feelings have changed; good has been cast aside to make way for evil!
I still call you back to Me: Convert yourselves!!! Convert!!!
Leave the things of this world!
You belonging to Me!
You were created to be divine in Me!
I don't want you to leave beautiful things for horrible things.
Satan is cunning, with his false illusions he has succeeded in seizing your hearts, he has turned you away from your God Love.
Pay no more attention to the Lie, abandon that which is impure... purify yourselves!!!
Thunders the hour of Divine Justice: Heaven is waiting for your conversion!
Do not remain indifferent to My call for salvation,
come out of your iniquities, clothe yourselves with light,
be like heavenly angels on earth,
bring love and not havoc.
My voice thunders in your hearts, O men,
warm them to My love,
open them to the Truth, do not be deaf!
My children, oh you who serve God, you who respect what He has taught you, be good teachers, instruct all in good, ... teach the nations according to God's Commandments!
The evil man, prepare his revenge against Me; he will erase all that is good to make room for Lucifer's blasphemies.
My Body and My Blood will be mocked by the wicked, by those who have given themselves to the infernal enemy, ... behold, they already celebrate with him victory, ... they do not expect My divine intervention: ...
it will happen suddenly, they will be displaced and, in despair, amid screams and groans they will plunge into the lake of fire.
The flames of Hell burn, it is a fire that will not go out, a pain that never ends.
Beware of falling into Lucifer's deception! I say to you, O men, who believe that I am Dead, because,
My Coming is already decreed by the Father, all will see Me, all nations will beat their breasts, it will be the end for many, while for others, life in Me.
Blessed are you who believe in Me and faithfully follow the Holy Gospel.
Here I am to you, My beloved ones, your time on Earth is over, enter now to enjoy My New Paradise for you, O chosen ones of the Lord! Amen!
Source: ➥