Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, December 22, 2022
You Have Mocked My Prophets!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 20.12.2022
My beloved daughter, write to My beloved people.
These are the hours that anticipate your passion!
Repent now, ask My forgiveness with true contrition of heart, tell Me that you only want to be Mine and I will save you from the tremendous hurricane that is about to hit the earth.
A great uproar, ... a moment of silence! ... Then, desperate cries of peoples will be heard, ... all those who have denied Me will only cry out their despair, they will seek Me but it will be too late!
Verily I say unto you, O woman: let My people know that their God is ALIVE, not dead as false doctrine is making them believe!
I am not a pierced God, I am ALIVE!
Here I am now to you that you may finally believe
that I exist and that everything I can.
In Me and only in Me is the Power,
only I AM WHO I AM!!!
A few more hours and then Hell will break loose on Earth!
You did not want to believe, now you will suffer the damage!
You have mocked My prophets,
you have deluded yourselves about welfare
which Satan presented to you through his false lights,
in his lie he was presenting to you a future
in power over the things of this earth.
Poor men, you have lost everything: especially your soul!!!
Who will make you free o men, ... perhaps Satan?
My poor children and no longer "Mine" by your free will.
You have laughed out loud at My Words: now you will weep, for you will understand the mistake you have made.
This Humanity
has disobeyed its Creator God,
joined the children of Satan ...
preferred carnal pleasures, depravity, wickedness, and indifference to all that is good,
and that goes against God's Commandments.
Man feeds on sin; his heart is black as pitch!
In Italy the earth will shake again: an earthquake of high magnitude will hit Ancona.
Source: ➥