Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, December 23, 2022

Help Comes to You from Heaven!

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 21.12.2022

God the Father looks with love upon His children and blesses them.

Onward My people, chosen ones of the Lord God!

Behold, help comes to you from Heaven!

My children, you shall not be orphans, I will watch over you and take you into Myself, I will hold you close to My Breast.

I am your Father, your Creator God, I am the Absolute Good, I rejoice in giving of Myself to those who have given themselves to Me.

The Dawn of the New Day is about to dawn, the morning will be sweet and colored by the rainbow that will embrace the Earth.

Behold, I will move the Planets in dances and the Angels will sing to their movement.

Play harps and lyres, play cymbals, sing My children, sing! ... the great day already faces you.

The stars will hold hands, join in a circle and dance for the special event to come.

All the stars in the sky will dance, they will reflect with a light unknown to men, is the light that only God possesses!

He will manifest Himself in His Power and wondrous Beauty and bend down to gather the few flowers left on Earth, His faithful children, those who will have fought their battle holding firm in faith to their God Love.

Do not be sad anymore My children, although this time will still take away many dear things from you, smile, for you will receive everything from Me in Heaven, you will get back a hundredfold what you have lost for Me.

God the Father embraces you and lavishes you with His Eternal Love, blesses you and awaits you at the next sun!


Source: ➥