Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, December 26, 2022
My Children, Love Jesus, Adore Jesus
Christmas Message 2022 of Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy

This afternoon Mama showed up all dressed in white. Even the mantle that wrapped Her was white, broad, but it was like very light, soft wool.In Her arms clasped to Her chest She had Baby Jesus, little. He emitted little wails, as if of weeping.
Mama had the sweetest smile, She looked at Him and held Him close.
The Virgin Mary, was surrounded by many angels singing a sweet melody. To Her right was a small manger. Everything was surrounded by an immense light.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Dear children, today I come to you here in My blessed forest with My beloved Jesus.
While Mama was saying this, She laid the baby in the manger and wrapped Him in a little white cloth. The Angels all came down beside the manger.
The Virgin resumed speaking.
Beloved children, He is the true light, He is love. My Son Jesus became a child for each of you, became a man for you and died for you.
My children, love Jesus, adore Jesus.
At this point, the Virgin Mary said to Me, "Daughter, in silence, let us adore." She got down on Her knees beside the little manger and adored Jesus. We were silent for a long time, then She resumed speaking.
Beloved children, I ask you to be as small as children.
Love Jesus. Today once again I invite you to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
Please children, listen to Me!
Then Mama prayed over each of us here present and finally blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.