Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, January 9, 2023
Soon you will see New Heavens and New Earth!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 06.01.2023
Children of Jerusalem, lift up your hearts to God, put yourselves in priestly order. A new temple has been raised in the earthly Church but, nothing to do with the Doctrine of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church.
God sees the ruin that will now come upon those who failed to listen to His messages and clung to the words of the false prophet.
God from the height of His Heaven manifests His immense sorrow for the end of those who have turned away from the Truth, preferring to follow Satan.
Jesus still intervenes for the deliverance of His own, announces His Return in glory, cries out for true conversion: put on the white robe in you O men, the lifting up is near; make yourselves ready to be taken up from on High.
The scene that will shortly present itself to this Humanity will be terrible:
The wrath of God will be great: no one will be able to stop what is coming to Earth!
A great purification will happen!
Everything will be purified! Evil will be wiped out and Good will reign on Earth.
Children of Jerusalem, rejoice at My invitation for conversion, your God is waiting to admit you to His New Kingdom on Earth; He wants to give you the opportunity to enjoy His infinite Beauties, make you taste His gifts of infinite love.
The Dawn of the New Day is coming and it will be in great joy for the elect!
Those who will have loved, worshipped, followed and served God Love, these ones will enter to enjoy a New Time on Earth.
My daughter, write again to My beloved People:
My children I am your Only Good!
You shall have no other Good but Me!
I Am Who I Am: I am the Beginning and the End, I am the Alpha and the Omega!
Come to Me My children, do not delay; bend your knees to Me.
I alone am your One and Only True God; there is no other God but Me.
Create for yourselves a pure heart, patient in waiting for Me.
Soon you will see New Heavens and a New Earth!
You will see Him who ascended to the Father descend again to Earth to manifest Himself in glory. God Is! O men, let there be no doubt in you! "God Is," My children!
Return, running, to "Him Who Is" without looking right or left, without turning back any more! Let your heart be prostrate to your Creator, and as if by magic you will find yourself in the New Dimension and experience true love in your heart, that which God Himself will engrave in you with the fire of His Love.
Rise up from the slough that sinks you, do not wait any longer, the curtain is about to come down on this scene of evil, your eyes will soon see My Face!
Connect to Me to make sure you are on the right net!
Go ahead My children: you are at the end of a story in evil, you are about to enter the new Paradise on Earth, ... God will dwell with His new People.
Outside the walls of Rome, My holy People await the defeat of the ungodly. Amen.
Source: ➥