Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Pray Children, Pray with Strength and Constancy, Pray with Love, Be Ready to Love the Lord with a Pure Heart, without Buts or Ifs, Pray My Children Pray
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of January 26, 2022

I saw Mama, She was all dressed in white, on Her waist a golden belt, on Her shoulders a blue-green mantle that also covered Her head. In Her arms Mama had baby Jesus, behind Mama's shoulders two little angels held a queen's crown suspended over Her head.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Here I am, once again I come to you My children by the Father's immense mercy. My children, the world is in need of prayer, I ask you My children more prayer for My beloved Church, for My beloved and beloved children, pray to the Lord for them that they may be ready for battle, that they may not lose the faith, pray that the true magisterium of the Church may not be lost. Daughter look.
I began to have a vision: so many churches scattered around the world crumbled, destroyed and abandoned, only a few were still standing with small groups of people inside praying and worshiping Jesus, the priests who still celebrated were few. Then Mama resumed the message.
Pray children, pray with strength and constancy, pray with love, be ready to love the Lord with a pure heart, without buts or ifs, pray My children pray.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.