Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, January 30, 2023
Beware, O men, not to get in touch with the Antichrist!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 28.01.2023
I am your God Love, your Creator O woman, write My angel, write to My beloved people.
Behold, terrible days will come for the world; this Humanity will be sorely tried, but God's children will be sheltered.
My Beloved creatures, the time of sorrows has come; My Chalice is poured out!
The accursed Serpent is lurking but the arm of the Creator God is already upon him: "miserum est!"(it is a miserable thing).
God loves His creature and waits with eager love for her conversion, He waits to embrace her back to Himself.
The sun's star is at its explosions, its flames will reach the Earth and everything will be extinguished. You will have to suffer much, your life will change, without technology you will feel lost.
The cataracts of the heavens open, the arm of the Divine Savior anticipates His Intervention to secure His Children before the accursed havoc of the Devil overtakes them.
Beware, O men, lest you come in contact with the Antichrist! Do not get involved with the false prophets.
Beloved children, the hour is coming in the curse of Satan who will try to bind many souls to himself even through shows in heaven with prodigious but false signs! Holograms, to get attention.
God the Father still cries out His great sorrow for those children who have denied Him to follow Lucifer.
The great tribulation is already upon you O men, upon you who will not listen to My salvation appeals and pursue the Lie. You are at the end of this story!
Another one is to open to My New People: the one faithful to Me, dedicated to Me, a People who have abandoned the world to prefer Life.
These children will have new life in Me! They will be blessed forever and be joyful, nothing will be lacking to them: they are those who will have supported the True Church of Christ, who have given their lives to enter to enjoy the true life by joining Him in His Perennial Sacrifice!
Oh you who still deny Me, verily I say to you: you are about to be swept away by the great hurricane.You do not want to open your eyes to what truly surrounds you, you are fools; you are sailing on a sinking boat, with her you will end up in the depths!
Poor children! Poor ones! Nothing was hidden from you of what was to come; you were warned and put before a choice: ... you preferred death!
Source: ➥