Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Children, Pray for the Conversion of All Mankind
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of June 26, 2023

This afternoon Mother showed up all dressed in white. A large white mantle enveloped Her and the same mantle also covered Her head. On Her head the Virgin Mary had a crown of twelve shining stars. Her hands were clasped in prayer, in Her hands a long crown of the holy rosary as white as of light, reaching almost down to Her feet. Her feet were barefoot and rested on the world. On the world was the snake that Mother held still with Her right foot, he wiggled and shook his tail loudly. The Virgin Mary, had a beautiful smile, but Her eyes were sad.
Mother, She was surrounded by many little and big Angels singing a sweet melody.
Praised be Jesus Christ.
Dear children, thank you for responding to this call of Mine, thank you for being here.
П: Children, the Lord sends Me among you to bring you His salvation, I am here because of His immense mercy.
Children, also today I invite you to prayer, prayer made from the heart.
Children, entrust yourselves to Me with extreme abandonment, let Me guide you. Pray children, pray for the conversion of sinners, pray together with Me.
Mother at this point, asked me to pray with Her. As I prayed, I saw scenes of sin, wars and violence.
Then Mother resumed speaking.
Children, pray for the conversion of all mankind, pray for all those who have not yet come to know God's love.
God is Father and loves everyone, loves with immeasurable love. God is love, do not be afraid to surrender yourselves to God, but rather beware of the false beauties of this world. They are fleeting, God's love is forever.
Then Mother stretched out Her arms and prayed over those present. Afterwards I entrusted to Her all those who had recommended themselves to my prayers.
Finally She blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.