Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, June 29, 2023
My Beloved Children, Return to the Father
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of June 26, 2023

I saw Mother, She was dressed in white with a golden belt at Her waist, on Her head a crown of twelve stars and a white veil, on Her shoulders a blue mantle that reached all the way down to Her feet which barefoot rested on the world. Mother had Her arms outstretched in welcome and in Her right hand a long rosary beads made of light.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Here I am My children, I come once again among you to ask for prayer, prayer for My beloved Church, prayer for this world increasingly caught up in its own self and increasingly far from God. My beloved children, return to the Father: He in His immense love is ready to embrace you, console you, love you. My children, there is no sin that if confessed is not forgiven: be reconciled with the Father, return to Him. My children, I love you with an immense love and I want to see you all saved. My children, do not turn away from My Immaculate Heart, live the sacraments.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.