Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
My Son Has Agreed and He Will Come Again on Pentecost (to Bless Bread and Water)
Message from Our Heavenly Mother, Mary to Anna Marie, an Apostle of the Green Scapular, in Houston, Texas, USA on April 22, 2023

Anna Marie: Holy Mother, I hear You calling me. My dearest Mother, may I ask please? Will You bow down and adore Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth and when He grew up, He was taken, tortured then crucified for all mankind’s sins. He died, descended to the dead, arose from the dead and ascended into Heaven?
Mother Mary: Yes My little one, I your Heavenly Mother, Mary, will now and will always bow down and adore My Beloved Divine Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Son of the Living God. Who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth. As a man, He was taken, tortured and crucified for all mankind’s sins. He died, descended to the dead, arose and ascended into Heaven where My Son now sits at His Heavenly Father’s right hand side to judge the living and the dead.
Anna Marie: Please speak My holy Mother, for Your sinful servant is now listening.
Mother Mary: My dear one, I can see that you are very busy today and I will bless you to complete all your work.
Anna Marie: Mother Dearest, are we still to expect an evil attack on our nation? Will we be attacked by another nation?
Mother Mary: Yes, you must still expect this attack and you need to prepare for it too. Many, many citizens of your nation are not prepared and will starve unless they seek aid from your federal government who will demand they receive the chip or mark of the xxxxx. (Private message given.) My Son will multiply all food and water supplies for anyone who has blessed bread and water which He blessed during the many visits He has made at Apostles homes who had laid out their bread and water in the past.
Anna Marie: My dear Mother, can Jesus come again on Pentecost for those who were unaware of this, so they too can have Jesus bless their piece of bread and water, even their other sacramentals?
Mother Mary: Yes, I will ask My Beloved and Divine Son if He can do so again on Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit poured out His holy graces and baptized His children.
Anna Marie: Thank You sweet holy Mother. My Dearest Mother, should I post some of this message for others to read?
Mother Mary: Yes My dear one, please do so. Also tell all Apostles My Son has agreed and He will come again on Pentecost. They should prepare now by placing a piece of bread and bottle of water on their Home Altar.
Anna Marie: Yes, holy Mother, I will let them know. Thank You holy Mother for coming and speaking with me today. I love You and all Apostles love You.
Mother Mary: Please tell all My beloved children, I love them too. Your loving Mother, Mary of Divine Mercy.
Source: ➥