Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Each Bead of the Rosary Is My Hand Being Extended to You to Draw You Closer to My Son
Message from the Blessed Mother to Beloved Jennifer in USA on April 20th, 2024

My daughter,
Many today are failing to heed this time of grace that My son has extended to humanity. I say to My children, do not wander into a world that is guiding so many souls into hell. Do not look for the world to bring you peace. Come, My children, to the foot of the cross and unite your prayers to Mine for the salvation of souls. There are many souls who do not truly know My son because they seek to retain their own will and not surrender to the Heavenly Father. It is time to get on your knees in prayer, and through greater humility, you will grow in love and holiness. Each bead of the rosary is My hand being extended to you to draw you closer to My son.
I come as your Heavenly Mother to shower each one of you with My immeasurable love. I am calling each of you to teach the rosary to those around you. With patience and love, you will begin to see the Holy Spirit transform each and every soul you bring under My mantle.
Seek heaven by seeking My son Jesus, and may the peace of His divine love be upon each one of you.
Source: ➥