Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Prayers Help You to Love the Holy Trinity More and More, Because through Prayer Your Heart Is Filled with Love, Pure Love
Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary, John "Little Hat" and King David to the Holy Trinity Love Group at the Grotto “Most Holy Mary of the Bridge” – Partinico, Palermo, Italy on August 23, 2024

My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother, I have descended with great power together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is here among you.
My children, My beloved children, I love to hear your prayers, especially recite them from the heart and with sacrifice, prayers help you to love the Holy Trinity more and more, because through prayer your heart is filled with love, pure love. The Holy Spirit enlightens your minds, giving you thoughts of love, of humility, of forgiveness, if you let the Holy Spirit fill you, you will be wise people, distinguishing good from evil.
The world does not understand because it does not want to understand that prayer is the conduit between Heaven and earth, it is the dialogue with the Creator of everything and everyone, with prayer you turn to God the Father Almighty, prayer is the most important mystery that the SS. Trinity has given to everyone, the mystery of prayer will be revealed to the simple, humble hearts, even if they do not know the truth not by their choice, always speak to the Holy Trinity, turn your thoughts to the Holy Trinity who will guide your life.
My children, many mysteries the world does not know, because it puts limits on the divinity, this place, this Grotto is part of the mysteries that will soon be known throughout the world. You are treading on a Holy land, all those who come here do not know that this land is blessed by God the Father Almighty since time immemorial, here My Statue has taken up residence for a very long time, the Extraordinary story we are revealing to you is one of the most powerful in the history of the Saints, of the Prophets, what I am telling you is greater than you, but one day you will understand, because the wonders that will take place here will be extraordinary, the world will speak of the mysterious cave that housed My miraculous Statue, which many have seen and witnessed. The last event was that of My son John, whom everyone called Little Hat, he remained alone very young surrounded by his little flock that was all for him. Little Hat He always dreamed of Me from the day He was born into this world, He was never amazed when the Archangels appeared to Him, His union with Heaven was strong, but it was all normal for Him because He knew nothing else. God the Father Almighty has reserved it and used it, to be in the last times a reason for conversion for many, who will believe and have tangible signs, the mysterious book will be divulged which will be understood if it is read with the heart.
Today we will tell you another piece of this story, everything that happened to John was always the will of God the Father Almighty, everything had its meaning. One day he fell asleep for many hours and had a dream, like a vision, just like the one My daughter Marcella received leading you here, this will also have to be remembered in the book. There appeared to Him a young man almost like Him, with a much larger flock, John found himself in another place, he began to ask himself many questions, "Where am I?" he said. He looked at that boy similar to Him, "Who are you?" he said. My son John was in the land of David, He the Anointed of God spoke to John and anointed him,
today you will experience their dialogue, because My son John is here, the Anointed of God King David is here, John had all the answers he wanted.
*I found myself in this unknown land, the little boy like Me, looking at Me, I asked him, “Who are you? Where am I?” and he said:
**"John, you are in the house of God the Most High, in the house where He has gathered all the scattered sheep of Israel.”
*“Little boy,” I asked him, “what is your name?” and He began to tell Me.
**"John, I am a little Shepherd, as little as you, My name is David, I am the least of My brothers, God The Most High saw Me from afar and anointed Me with Holy oil through His prophet Samuel, and He said, ”One day you will be the next King of Israel, you will lead all these sheep into My house.”
*“David, will God's house welcome everyone?” even those who do evil?” and he explained. **"John, God the Most High welcomes every person, His Mercy is great, very great, a heart that is afflicted and humiliated He does not reject it, every sheep in His House is part of His House, He does not leave it, He will do everything to keep it in His enclosure.”
*"Thank you David, I am happy that everyone will be able to see God's House, they will be able to see how great is His love, how great is His Mercy.”
My children, My son John understood that he had to love those who made him suffer more and more, David took him by the hand and they began to dance, saying, “John, I always praise God the Most High with My body, I want to show you.”
John's heart burst with joy, he had danced before, but this time was different for him, and he addressed King David in this way.
*"David, Son of God the Most High, thank You for leading Me in the dance, You have gladdened My heart, Your dance has given Me great strength, I will praise as You have taught Me, so that I may rejoice Our God.”
**"John, You too have a flock, though it may seem small to You, they too will have to be accompanied to the Father's house. Never fear, the Most High as He protects Me will also protect You, as He has consecrated Me He has also consecrated You.”
My children, John woke up, looking around he found himself in this Cave, nothing is impossible to God the Father Almighty, this is what the world does not understand, because it is too attracted to material things.
The message that God the Father Almighty wants to give to mankind is just this, He created mankind to be praised and loved, giving mankind all the consolation of the gifts that are in the world, but human beings have turned many things against nature, drawing to themselves the wrath of God the Father Almighty.
Ask for forgiveness and mercy and save your souls, I your Mother will always be at your aid.
I love you My children, today you have witnessed the wonders of Heaven, now I must leave you, I bless you My children in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.