Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, August 24, 2024
I Exhort You: Pray for Peace!
Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joan of Arc on August 20, 2024 to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany

Above us in the sky hovers a large golden ball of light and to the right of it a small golden ball of light. The wonderful light shines down to us and the large golden ball of light opens. St. Michael the Archangel comes down to us from this large golden ball of light. He is clothed in a red mantle and wears a golden princely crown on His head. In His right hand He carries His sword. His sword reaches up to the sky. In His left hand He carries His shield. On His shield is depicted the lily vine, which I have always described, and below it is written: “Quis ut Deus!”
M.: “Lovely are you to look at and I greet you, holy Archangel Michael!”
The Holy Archangel Michael speaks:
"Quis ut Deus! May God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen. I come to you in friendship! I am the Holy Archangel Michael. I am the Warrior of the Precious Blood.
Dear friends, come to Me in September with your banners and renew your friendship with Me. Pray for peace! For this is very important. Remain faithful to My Lord, be steadfast and courageous in your faith! Remain in the teaching of the Church! The great apostasy is in the world. But do not become discouraged! Heaven opens for you and bestows graces upon you. From the throne of God, our Lord, I come to you! Now I see the Holy Scripture above His sword and it opens. I see the Bible passage John 4: 1 - 30:
Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that He was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John - however, it was not Jesus Himself who baptized, but His disciples - whereupon He left Judea and went back to Galilee. But He had to take the road through Samaria. So He came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, which was close to the land that Jacob had bequeathed to his son Joseph. Jacob's well was located there. Jesus was tired from the journey, so He sat down by the well at about the sixth hour. A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, "Give Me a drink! His disciples had gone into town to buy something to eat. The Samaritan woman said to Him, 'How can you, a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink? For the Jews do not socialize with Samaritans. Jesus answered her, "If you had known what the gift of God is and who it is that says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water. She said to him, "Lord, you have no watering vessel and the well is deep, so where did you get the living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, like his sons and his flocks? Jesus answered her, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst again; rather, the water that I give him will become in him a spring of water flowing into eternal life. Then the woman said to him, 'Lord, give me this water so that I will never be thirsty again and will no longer have to come here to draw water. He said to her: Go, call your husband and come back here! The woman replied: I have no husband. Jesus said to her, "You have said correctly, 'I have no husband. For you have had five husbands and the one you have now is not your husband. You have spoken the truth. The woman said to him, 'Sir, I see that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshipped God on this mountain, but you say that the place to worship is in Jerusalem. Jesus said to her, "Believe Me, woman, the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You worship what you do not know, we worship what we know, for salvation comes from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and it is already here, when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for this is how the Father wants to be worshipped. God is spirit and all who worship Him must worship in the spirit of truth. The woman said to Him: "I know that the Messiah is coming, who is called Christ. When He comes, He will proclaim all things to us anew. Then Jesus said to her: It is I who am speaking to you. In the meantime, His disciples had returned. They were surprised that He was talking to a woman, but no one said, 'What are You looking for? Or: What are You talking to her about? The woman left her water jug, returned to the city and said to the people: Come here, see, there is a man who has told me all that I have done. Is he perhaps the Christ? So they went out of the city and came to Him."
The Holy Archangel Michael speaks:
"You call yourselves the Christian Occident, but faith is waning. People's hearts must be rekindled! You think faith is in danger of dying out, but the Lord will not allow this. Jesus, your King of Mercy, and Mary, the Immaculate Mother of God, establish oases of heavenly blessing and accompany you. The hearts of the priests are touched to inflame the hearts of the people, so that they may carry the perfect love of the Lord within them and pass it on.
The Lord sees into your souls. Consider this! And He bestows graces on those who have opened their hearts. Look into the Holy Scriptures. This is the Word of God, which is alive!
The Lord allowed the peoples to come into your land. He allowed this to happen. Your children are no longer wanted! A people that turns away from the Lord does not respect life and so the people are inclined to fall into error. I am with you and come to you to protect you. The Lord sent Me to you!"
M.: “Lovely you are, but also strong and courageous, dear Holy Archangel Michael!”
Now the small ball of light next to Archangel Michael opens and the Blessed Virgin of Orleans emerges from this light. This time She is wearing golden armor.
On her golden armor, I also see the lily stick that I have always described. It is depicted on your breastplate. Saint Joan of Arc wears a skirt over the armor. This skirt is a light beige color with blue French lilies.
Saint Joan of Arc speaks:
"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am happy to be with you, beloved children of the Lord! In September, together with the priest, with the Holy Archangel Michael, I will bless My statues so that they may be brought into the world. For I have told you that where I am venerated, faith will blossom because I am fighting for you and praying at the throne of God. The blessing of the priest is so infinitely precious and his calling so sacred! That is why the adversary tramples them (own note: the priests) underfoot. The vocations of the priesthood come from the heart, from the Sacred Heart of our Lord! Always remember this. This is how I fight for them!
Pray for peace. The land of Poland is in danger of being lost. I want to be there. I want to win the hearts of Polish souls. I want to bring the love of God into the world, because I have lived it Myself, with My whole Heart. So I ask you and invite you to love the Lord with all your heart, with all your heart open! The Lord allows in the time of tribulation, but evil will not prevail! Everything must be purified so that the love of God can be fully kindled in your hearts: from heart to heart into the world, that is God's will!
I exhort you: Pray for peace!
Today I take your requests before the throne of the Lord. Do not look at the confuser. For everything he does is error and wretched. He takes away all dignity from people and wants to destroy the dignity of childship to God out of envy. Abide in God, beloved of the Lord!"
St. Joan of Arc looks at St. Michael the Archangel. The latter speaks:
"So go in peace and remember to pray for peace! It is up to you, dear children of God, whether the war will spread. Pray and the Lord will mitigate everything! Renew your friendship with Me. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen.
Soon I will set foot in Kufstein. There has been much prayer in Austria and God is giving this country this grace. May God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit bless you! Amen.
Quis and Deus!"
St. Michael the Archangel wishes this prayer from us and looks upon us:
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur:
Tuque, Princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, devina virtute in infernum detrude. Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel disappears into the light after a while, and so does St. Joan of Arc.
This message is given without prejudice to the judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.
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Please see the Bible passage for the message!
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