Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Friday, April 27, 2012
Very Soon I Will Come Like a Thief in the Night, and I Will Find Many Asleep!

My children, peace be with you.
The days of the great trial are near, oh mankind, you still reject abiding to my mercy, you still turn your back to my calls, and prefer the wide and spacious road which leads to eternal death, let that be your payback! Very soon I will come like a thief in the night, only to find many asleep. You will no longer be able to re-awake to this world, you will no longer have time to repent, for you have left all for last, including your salvation.
After your Pentecost every word of my scriptures for these times will come to pass. Prepare for the coming of my Holy Spirit; make a good preparation for this coming Pentecost for my Spirit to give you strength and temperance, and all the graces you need to be able to confront the trial days ahead. Be ready my flock, for after my Pentecost all will come to be according to My Father’s designees. I tell you, you will be given a large signal in the sky for you to prepare for the coming of my ‘warning’; all the events have been accelerated due to the evilness of the men of these latest times. Hence my children pray and be vigilant, for you know not the day or the hour, when your Lord will come. I will be knocking at your soul’s door when you least expect it, to show you the state you are in with respect to your God and to your brothers.
I beg you to make good life confessions, receive my body and blood more often, so that when you appear spiritually before Me, you can be justified, and your soul need not endure the sufferings of souls in purgatory and of those who condemn themselves. For you know well that your soul will be taken to the corresponding place according to its faults. Visit me at the Tabernacle; I am spreading plenty of blessings to all who come close to talk with me. I am healing broken and mistreated hearts, and granting plenary indulgences which will serve you to erase your faults and cleanse your soul. Remember I am about to leave, for all that it is written for these times will come to pass; we will see each other again in my new and celestial Jerusalem where I will be with you until the consummation of times.
Come henceforth, for my fountain of mercy is overflowing more abundantly during these days, come for I want to attract you closer to Me, for you to rejoice tomorrow in everlasting life. Do my first Fridays and my holy hour; offered all for the healing of your family tree and your defunct relatives and your forefathers, and you will see great changes in your inheritance and in your own life. With your prayers, fasting, sacrifices, and holy masses, help Me rescue the souls in most need of my mercy, not only those who lay in eternity, but those who roam this world without God and without law. Remember I respect your free will and I do all pending on your prayers and pleas. I am waiting for you in the silence of My Tabernacle; I am the hidden treasure you are searching for; I am your salvation. My peace I give you, My peace I leave you. Repent and convert, for the kingdom of God is near. I am your Sacramented Jesus. The friend you will never miss.
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