Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, November 13, 2017
Call of Mary Mystical Rose to the People of God.
My adversary is near to make his universal declaration.

Little children of My Heart, the peace of My Lord be with you all.
Little ones, dark days await the People of God, but do not fear nor lose faith, nor your trust in the Lord.
All that is about to happen, has already been written, but do not get alarmed or frightened; if God is with you, who can be against you?
Little children, my adversary is near to make his universal declaration, remember that you must not see or listen to him, because he is the son of perdition and has power to seduce you and make you love him.
Agaín I say to you, fear not, My Father is not going to hand you over as lambs for the sacrifice.
Before my adversary begins his last reign, you will be passing through eternity.
Within eternity, you will be prepared and instructed, so that you will be able to face those days of the great spiritual battle.
All the People of God, after the Warning will have a main purpose, to seek the salvation of their soul.
I, your Mother, through our messengers, will be guiding and instructing you in everything and in a very special way, in what is related great nations the spiritual combat.
Therefore, little children, you must be very attentive in following the directives and instructions from Heaven, so that you can cope with these days of purification.
All those who are of My Son's Flock will be sealed in eternity on their forehead, with the Cross of the Blood of the Divine Lamb.
So you will know after the Warning, who serves God and who serves the evil one.
In eternity, you will receive the needed spiritual gifts and those, together with the spiritual armor, will be the strength that Heaven gives you to go in this world against the forces of evil.
In those days, the Spirit of God will be dwelling in you and you will no longer feel fear or distress.
Little children, after the Warning many of you are going to see Me, I am going to stay in this world with the company of many blessed souls and surrounded by myriads of Archangels and Angels; We will be with you to assist you and give you protection.
Then, fear not my little ones, because you are not going to be alone, Heaven is going to help you fight, so that you can emerge victorious in the daily spiritual combat.
Remember little children that those are days of purification and that cannot be changed; We will assist you in spiritual combat, but your purification must be taken up by you, because it is necessary for your spiritual cleansing.
There will be difficult days, where you will be tested as the same as gold is tested in the fire; of your faith and trust in God, the success of the trial will depend on. I remind you: to be able to enter the New Creation, you must shine like crucibles.
In the Heavenly Jerusalem, nothing impure or sinful will enter. All the creatures of the New Creation must shine with the light of the Spirit.
Little children, remain united in prayer, because the days are coming in which you are going to glorify with your purification the holy Name of God.
Rejoice, for the time of your redemption is coming.
The Glory of God is waiting for you in the New Heavens and in the New Earth; Courage my children, still little time, those who are going to pass the trial, will be the People of God tomorrow; the Israel that He, has chosen as His inheritance!
Remain in the Love of God, united in prayer that you may endure the days that are approaching so that you may attain the joy of salvation.
Your Mother loves you, Mary the Mystic Rose.
Let messages be known to all of humanity, little children of My Heart.