Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Urgent call from Mary The Mystical Rose to the People of God. Message to Enoch.
Spirits of sexual impurity roam the world looking for souls to fall.

Little Children of my Heart, the Peace of my Lord be with you all.
My beloved children, take refuge in my Immaculate Heart and Consecrate yourselves to It, so that you may resist the temptations and the attacks of the evil spirits. Spirits of sexual impurity roam the world looking for souls to fall; lust, debauchery, pornography, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, prostitution and other impure spirits are attacking your mind to make you lost and to steal your soul. Be careful little children, do not contaminate your mind with impurity, so that you are not trapped by these spirits who are the cause of the loss of the greatest number of souls!
Little children, the indecent fashion and the debauchery of many men and women, make Heaven weep and they are thorns that pierce through, the heart of my Son and of Mine. I ask you little daughters and little children, to be very prudent in talking and in (the way you) dress, because of debauchery and of impurity, many souls are being lost. My adversary is making use of the spirits of impurity in many men and women, to make many souls be lost. Oh out of control colts and foals, if you do not make your path straight and do not move away from impurity, you already know the place waiting for you in eternity! I tell you, little children, many souls are condemning themselves for the sins of sexual impurity.
This humanity is falling into a state of unconsciousness, sinning has turned into a habit, there is already no longer fear of God; this absence of God's fear is leading mankind to easily fall into sin and into living together with it, as if it were part of human daily life. The mundane current of free thinking and of open mind, are leading many to accept ideologies contrary to faith and to healthy social, moral, and spiritual customs. This humanity is lacking of values, there is already no respect for anything, man walks toward his own destruction.
Little children, again I say unto you: the relationships between same-sex couples are not accepted by Heaven; such relationships are an insult to God's Love and Mercy. The gender ideology is a satanic trend that seeks to destroy the family and the Sacrament of Marriage; for this (reason), don't accept this, children of mine! Do not permit that these libertine ideologies take over you and your families. Do not let yourselves be deceived; raise your voice and do not let your children be indoctrinated with these demonic doctrines, which only seek the destruction of moral, social, spiritual values and above all the destruction of the family blessed by God.
Little children, the abomination is starting, the sons of Darkness have already begun to desecrate the sacred places and the Houses of my Son at world level. When the Antichrist makes his appearance, the daily cult will he suspended and the faith of the People of God tested. The temples will be defiled, burned and Jesus in the (Blessed) Sacrament desecrated. Oh, what a pain my Heart of Mother feels in knowing that my Son will be crucified again in every Consecrated Host! Blasphemies and insults against my Son's Divinity and against Me are beginning. Do not be frightened, you well know that my adversary through his emissaries of evil, discharges all his hatred against all that comes from God. My Name and my Immaculate Heart, during the time of my adversary's last reign, yes that They will be sullied; my Shrines desecrated and shattered and many religious communities persecuted and terminated. Little children pray and do penance from now, for all the outrages that my Son and I will suffer during the last reign of the adversary.
The Schism is coming, many Bishops have already begun to separate from my Son's Church. There are very few who are faithful to Him and who obey the Vicar of Christ here on Earth; the division already began, what is lacking is very little time to formally declare the Schism. Gather around Me, People of God, and let your Mother guide you in your passage through the desert. My children do not fear, Heaven will not abandon you; stay close to God and take my hand, so that you are able to overcome the days of purification that are approaching.
May the Peace of my Lord remain in you.
Your Mother loves you, Mary Who Sanctifies.
Make my messages and my dedication known to all mankind, my little children.