Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Friday, June 12, 2020
Call of Sacramental Jesus to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch
I Am the Lamb of God That Comes Down from Heaven in Each Consecration Made by My Faithful Shepherds; Each Consecrated Host is Spiritual Food for My Sheep!

My Peace be with you, Beloved Children
How sad I feel in My Loving Heart when I see the contempt, the humiliation and the sacrilege that I am going to receive from many of My Pastors and My Children, when My Houses are reopened! I tell you that My Holy Sacrifice will no longer be the same. The pretext of the pandemic will make many of My Priests and Hierarchs of My Church, desecrate My Divinity giving My Body and My Blood, to My Flock in the hand as if it were any piece of bread. Unfaithful shepherds! Do you not know that in every Consecrated Host, I am, Alive and Real, giving Myself as an Immolated Lamb, as a Spiritual Food, for My People? What a lack of good sense! What lack of charity, for Me and My Flock, the one that you are going to commit when My Holy Sacrifice resumes!
I am the Lamb of God who comes down from Heaven at every Consecration made by My Faithful Shepherds; each Consecrated Host is spiritual food for My Sheep. In each Host Consecrated by My Priests the Mystery of the transubstantiation of My Body and Blood is carried out. It is I, in all My Divinity, who comes down from Heaven to become Life, to give himself as Spiritual Food to his Flock and to dwell in the heart of each one of My faithful people, who receive me with dignity. I am not just any piece of bread. I am the Living Bread come down from Heaven. I am the Spiritual Manna, who quenches hunger and quenches the thirst of My Flock. I am your Triune God, who comes to give you Life in Abundance. I, I ask you: Do I deserve such a vile abuse by some of My Shepherds who distribute to My People, as if it were any piece of bread? Do I deserve such vile abuse when I am received by many of My Children, unworthily or in the hand? Truly I say to you: Anyone who gives me, or receives me unworthily, or in My hand, is "guilty of negligence" and commits sacrilege, if he does not repent and repair for it. As you treat me in this world, so you will also be treated in eternity, when you appear before Me.
Reconsider, Shepherds of My Church; rethink Foolish Sheep, so that tomorrow you have nothing to regret! I am the Lamb of God who gives Himself for Love and becomes Life in the simplicity of each Consecrated Host. Do not forget, so that you do not continue mistreating My Divinity!
My peace I leave you, My peace I give you. Repent and Convert, for the Kingdom of God is near.
Your Lamb, Jesus in the Sacrament
Make My messages known to all mankind, My flock