Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Friday, December 25, 2020
Call of the Child of Bethlehem to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch
My Children, Gather Spiritually Around the Manger and Praise the Glory of God, Which is Manifested to You in the Tenderness and Humility of the Child of Bethlehem!

Glory to God in the Heavens and on Earth peace to men of good will.
May the Peace of the Child of Bethlehem be with you all
My children, gather spiritually around the manger and praise the glory of God, which manifests itself in the tenderness and humility of the Child of Bethlehem. Your God is born to you; open your hearts, men of good will, so that the newborn Jesus may dwell in them. Enjoy My birth as a family and adore Me in the manger of your hearts. Do not permit My beloved children, that the spirit of Christmas die, for the Herods of these times want to do away with the tradition of the child in the manger. They want to replace Me with the figure of an old man whom they call: "Santa Claus", which is the image that represents today's consumerist world.
The tradition of the Child of Bethlehem must remain from generation to generation, in the heart of My Faithful People. Do not allow My flock, that your human God be replaced by the god of consumerism from the hand of men. I am your Jesus who reveals himself to you in the humility, poverty and tenderness of the Child of Bethlehem; I want to give you an example of humility and obedience to the Divine Will, so that you too may be in imitation of Me, simple, humble and obedient to the Designs of God.
Open your hearts to Me, shepherds and little shepherds, to light in them the fire of My love. I come to you in the humility and innocence of a Child; welcome Me because I am the Light, which comes to illuminate the darkness and gloom of this world: I come to bring you Peace and Love, to kindle them in your hearts. I am the Child of Bethlehem, who opens his little arms waiting for you to carry him. Come, Shepherds and Zagales, to adore the Child that has already been born; rejoice, for your savior is already in your midst. Sing this day the "Gloria in Excelsis Deo", in the company of My Angels, because the Glory of God has been manifested to you in the sweet and tender presence of the Child Jesus in the manger.
Angels in the heights with their crystal voices
They go singing glory to the child
To men they sing peace
Glory in Excelsis Deo. Glory in Excelsis Deo.
Child that at night you come, don't stop looking at us.
If your eyes fall asleep, love will open them.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo. Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
Today his promise is fulfilled Our God is going to save us
With the Angels let us sing their goodness forever
Glory in Excelsis Deo. Glory in Excelsis Deo
Angels, fill the earth
From the heavenly announcement.
Angels, touch the glory
Angels, sing peace
Glory in Excelsis Deo. Glory in Excelsis Deo
Your Savior, the Child of Bethlehem
Make known My messages to all men of good will.